
单词 figuratively
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔attack〕These verbs mean to set upon, physically or figuratively.这些动词都表示实际或象征性地攻击。美国传统〔figuratively〕Figuratively speaking, it was a blow right between the eyes (= it was a bad shock).打个比方说吧,这是正中眉心的一击。剑桥高阶〔figuratively〕Do you measure up, figuratively speaking?比方说, 你符合标准吗?外研社新世纪〔figuratively〕Europe, with Germany literally and figuratively at its centre, is still at the start of a remarkable transformation.以德国为实际意义和象征意义上的中心的欧洲仍处于巨大变革的初期。外研社新世纪〔figuratively〕Europe, with Germany literally and figuratively at its centre, is still at the start of a remarkable transformation.以德国作为地理以及比喻意义上的中心的欧洲仍处于巨大变革的初期。柯林斯高阶〔figuratively〕He has made it clear that his door, figuratively speaking, is open.他明确表示, 打个比方, 他的门是开着的。外研社新世纪〔figuratively〕He's a sailor who knows his ropes, literally and figuratively.无论从字面还是比喻的角度,用这句话来描述他都是合适的:他是一个熟知绳结的水手。韦氏高阶〔figuratively〕I am speaking figuratively, of course.当然, 我只是打个比方。外研社新世纪〔figuratively〕I laughed until I nearly died, figuratively speaking, of course.我差点笑死了,这当然是比喻性的说法。麦克米伦高阶〔figuratively〕In the phrase “know your ropes,” the word “ropes” is being used figuratively.在短语know your ropes中,ropes一词被用作比喻。韦氏高阶〔figuratively〕Kramer is still quick on his feet, but only figuratively.克雷默步伐依旧敏捷, 但只是从比喻意义上来说。外研社新世纪〔figurative〕She is, figuratively speaking, holding a gun to his head.打个比方说,她正拿枪对着他的脑袋。牛津高阶〔figurative〕They have a taste – figuratively speaking – for excitement.用“胃口”的比喻义说,刺激合他们的胃口。朗文当代〔literally〕Many words can be used both literally and figuratively.很多词既能按字面意义使用,又能按比喻义使用。韦氏高阶〔literal〕The literal meaning of “know your ropes” is “to know a lot about ropes,” while figuratively it means “to know a lot about how to do something.” *know your ropes的字面意思是“很会运用绳索”,而它的比喻义则指“做事很有窍门”。韦氏高阶〔sometimes〕The word is sometimes used figuratively.这个单词有时用作比喻。韦氏高阶Figuratively speaking, it was a blow right between the eyes (=it was a bad shock).用比喻的说法,这正好是一拳打在两眼间(巨大的打击)。剑桥国际

