
单词 presupposes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔presume〕The evolution of species presupposes a process of natural selection.生物演变是以自然选则的过程为前提的。美国传统〔presuppose〕A child presupposes a mother.有子必有母。英汉大词典〔presuppose〕All this presupposes that he agrees to accept our proposal.所有这一切都以他同意接受我们的建议为先决条件。英汉大词典〔presuppose〕All this presupposes that he'll get the job he wants.所有这些都要以他能如愿找到工作为前提。剑桥高阶〔presuppose〕An effect presupposes a cause.有果必有因。21世纪英汉〔presuppose〕An effect presupposes a cause.有果必有因。英汉大词典〔presuppose〕Giving special attention to the weaker students presupposes that the others are willing to work without much support.给较差的学生以特别关注的先决条件是其他学生愿意在没有多少帮助的情况下用功学习。麦克米伦高阶〔presuppose〕His argument presupposes that it does not matter who is in power.他的论点前提是谁掌权都无关紧要。牛津高阶〔presuppose〕Investigative journalism presupposes some level of investigation.调查报道要以一定程度的调查为前提。剑桥高阶〔presuppose〕The end of an era presupposes the start of another.一个时代的开始是以另一个时代的结束为前提的。外研社新世纪〔presuppose〕The end of an era presupposes the start of another.一个时代的结束意味着另一个时代的开始。柯林斯高阶〔presuppose〕The idea of heaven presupposes the existence of God.天堂的说法首先认定上帝是存在的。朗文当代〔presuppose〕The plan presupposes that the state has enough money to carry it out.计划制订之初就假定这个州有足够执行经费。韦氏高阶〔presuppose〕The rule presupposes a need to restrict student access to the library.规则制定之初就假定有必要限制学生使用图书馆。韦氏高阶〔presuppose〕Without struggle there can be no progress, and struggle presupposes winners and losers.没有斗争就没有进步,有斗争就必有胜负。朗文当代〔presuppose〕Your argument presupposes that Dickens was a social reformer.你这个论点的前提是: 狄更斯是一位社会改革者。朗文当代

