
单词 poiso
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BELIEVE〕It's a preposterous claim that the government is trying to poison its citizens. 说政府要毒害市民,真是荒谬透顶。朗文写作活用〔By/from the sound of it〕By/from the sound of it, you may have poison ivy.听起来你好像得了毒常春藤皮炎。韦氏高阶〔EXAMPLE〕The report contained details of the poison gas and cited examples of accidents involving it. 报告中描写了这种毒气的有关细节,还引证了涉及这种毒气的一些事故。朗文写作活用〔IMMEDIATELY〕Sea snakes inject a poison so strong that it kills a fish instantly. 海蛇射出的毒液毒性很强,可把一条鱼当场杀死。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕He believed that somebody was trying to poison him. 他相信有人想要毒死他。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The poison produced by the frog's skin is so lethal that it can paralyze a bird or a monkey immediately. 青蛙皮肤上产生的毒素非常致命,能立即使一只鸟或猴子瘫痪。朗文写作活用〔KILL〕The medical report showed no signs of poison in the body but the police still suspect foul play. 化验报告显示体内并无任何毒药迹象,但警方仍怀疑这是谋杀。朗文写作活用〔LITTLE〕Tests have revealed traces of poison in his food. 检验发现,他的食物里有微量毒物。朗文写作活用〔OBVIOUS〕Poison gas was used, in flagrant disregard of the Geneva Convention. 他们公然违反《日内瓦公约》,使用了毒气。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕Why did he poison his wife? There must be a reason. 他为何对妻子下毒?肯定有原因。朗文写作活用〔accretion〕The larger the animal, the greater the accretion of poison in the fat.动物体型越大, 其脂肪中堆积的毒物就越多。外研社新世纪〔acid〕Stomach acids can break down the poison.胃酸能分解这种毒素。牛津搭配〔addle〕It's a dangerous poison that's strong enough to addle the brain.这是种足以使人大脑紊乱的危险毒药。韦氏高阶〔administer〕Police believe his wife could not have administered the poison.警方认为他的妻子是不可能下毒的。牛津高阶〔another〕One man's meat is another man's poison.【谚】有利于某甲者未必有利于某乙。文馨英汉〔antidote〕A remedy or other agent used to neutralize or counteract the effects of a poison.解毒药,解毒剂:用于中和或对抗毒药作用的药物或药剂美国传统〔antidote〕Medication was given to antidote the poison the young girl had swallowed.那个吞下毒物的少女已服用了解毒药。21世纪英汉〔antidote〕There is no antidote to/for this poison.这种毒没有解药。韦氏高阶〔antidote〕There is no known antidote to the poison.这种毒的解药尚未发现。牛津高阶〔antidote〕We do not have an effective antidote to this poison.我们没有针对这种毒的有效解毒剂。牛津搭配〔antitoxic〕Counteracting a toxin or poison.抗毒的,抗毒物的美国传统〔arsenic〕Arsenic is a strong poison.砷是种强烈的毒剂。文馨英汉〔autotoxin〕A poison that acts on the organism in which it is generated.自体毒素:一种作用于产生它的有机体的毒素美国传统〔bane〕A deadly poison.致命的毒物美国传统〔by〕He died by poison.他中毒死亡。文馨英汉〔capable〕The poison was capable of causing death within a few minutes.这种毒药能够在几分钟内置人于死地。外研社新世纪〔certain〕Contact with the poison means certain death.接触这种毒药必死无疑。韦氏高阶〔conium〕The poison hemlock.毒芹:伞形科有毒草类植物美国传统〔contrivable〕They contrived a mask against poison gas.他们设计了一种防毒面具。21世纪英汉〔counteract〕The drug will counteract the poison.这种药能解这种毒。韦氏高阶〔curarize〕To poison with curare.使用箭毒美国传统〔dart〕Markov died after being struck by a poison dart.马尔科夫身中毒镖而亡。外研社新世纪〔dart〕Markov died after being struck by a poison dart.马尔科夫身中毒镖而亡。柯林斯高阶〔destroy〕This poison can destroy rats.这种毒药可灭鼠。英汉大词典〔detoxification〕Physiology The metabolic process by which the toxic qualities of a poison or toxin are reduced by the body.【生理学】 自解毒:由身体降低体内某种毒素含量的新陈代谢过程美国传统〔detoxify〕To remove the effects of poison from.从…消除毒的影响美国传统〔diffuse〕The poison gradually diffused through his system.毒药渐渐扩散到他的全身。英汉大词典〔diversion〕From Poiso we make a short diversion to drive to the top of the mountain.从普瓦索我们绕了一小段路以便开车到山顶。牛津搭配〔doctor〕Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat poison were discovered in the kitchen.厨房里发现了几瓶掺了老鼠药的柠檬汁。剑桥高阶〔dose〕The victims were dosed with poison.受害者被投毒。韦氏高阶〔draw〕This will help draw the poison.这将有助排毒。英汉大词典〔drug〕To poison or mix (food or drink) with a drug.搀麻醉药(或毒药)于(食品或饮料)美国传统〔empoison〕Archaic To poison.【古语】 毒害美国传统〔euphemism〕The poison of euphemism has worked through our language into our national consciousness.委婉表达法的毒素已经透过语言进入了我们的民族意识之中。外研社新世纪〔exterminate〕Staff use the poison to exterminate moles and rabbits.员工用毒药来消灭鼹鼠和野兔。朗文当代〔fang〕Any of the hollow or grooved teeth of a venomous snake with which it injects its poison.蛇的毒牙:毒蛇的中空或带钩的且常伸出喷射毒液的牙美国传统〔find〕Her blood was found to contain poison.她的血液中发现有毒素。牛津高阶〔find〕It was found that her blood contained poison.她的血液中发现有毒素。牛津高阶〔forensic〕Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man's stomach.法医检验显示死者胃中有大量毒药。剑桥高阶〔gas chamber〕A sealed enclosure in which condemned prisoners are executed by poison gas.毒气室:一个封闭的房间,在其内死囚被毒气致死美国传统〔gas〕A gaseous asphyxiant, irritant, or poison.毒气:气态的使人窒息物、刺激物或毒物美国传统〔have〕If poison of this kind gets into your system, you've had it.如果这种毒物进入体内,你就完了。英汉大词典〔hemlock〕A poison obtained from the poison hemlock.毒药:从芹叶钩吻中提炼出来的毒药美国传统〔ill-founded〕Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can poison a marriage.再站不住脚的猜忌和嫉妒都能危及婚姻。外研社新世纪〔ill-founded〕Suspicion and jealousy, however ill-founded, can poison a marriage.怀疑和忌妒,不管多么站不住脚,都可能毒害婚姻。柯林斯高阶〔immediate〕Dioxin is a poison that takes immediate effect.二恶英是一种速效毒药。剑桥高阶〔injurant〕Some poison gases are lung injurants.有些毒气是对肺有害的东西。英汉大词典〔intoxicate〕To poison.使中毒美国传统〔kill〕The poison was slowly killing her.毒药正在慢慢地夺走她的生命。牛津搭配〔kill〕This poison kills rats.这种毒药能灭鼠。韦氏高阶〔label〕The pharmacist labelled the bottle poison (或poisonous).药剂师在瓶上贴标签标明有毒。英汉大词典〔lace〕The pills had been laced with poison.那些药丸被掺了毒药。韦氏高阶〔lace〕The villain laced our food with poison.那个坏蛋在我们的食物里下了毒。英汉大词典〔letter〕He had been sending poison pen letters to people at work.他一直在给工作的人们寄送匿名诽谤信。牛津搭配〔loco〕To poison with locoweed.疯草毒美国传统〔make away with〕His father tried to make away with himself by drinking poison.他的父亲企图服毒自杀。21世纪英汉〔mithridate〕An antidote against poison, especially a confection formerly held to be an antidote to all poisons.解毒药:解除毒性的解毒剂,尤指用来对付一切毒药的解毒膏美国传统〔mithridatism〕Tolerance or immunity to a poison acquired by taking gradually larger doses of it.人工耐毒性:由于逐渐增加服用毒物的剂量而获得对该毒物的耐药性或免疫性美国传统〔noxious〕Poison ivy is a noxious plant; avoid touching its leaves.野葛是有毒植物;不要碰它的叶子。英汉大词典〔oak〕Any of various similar trees or shrubs, such as the poison oak.栎状树:相似的树木或灌木,如栎叶漆树美国传统〔outlaw〕The use of poison gas was outlawed.毒气被禁用。外研社新世纪〔paralysis〕The snake's poison causes paralysis.这种蛇的毒液会引起身体麻痹。朗文当代〔pellet〕The rat poison comes in small pellets.灭鼠药是做成丸状的。英汉大词典〔phobia〕He has a phobia of poison.他患有恐毒症。英汉大词典〔poison gas〕There are reports that poison gas is being used against the rebels.有报道称正在使用毒气对付叛乱者。朗文当代〔poison ivy〕I got/have poison ivy all over my arm.我整个手臂都是皮疹。韦氏高阶〔poison pill〕Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders.有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。外研社新世纪〔poison pill〕Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders.有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。柯林斯高阶〔poison sb's mind〕Don't listen to her lies - she's just trying to poison your mind against me.别听她撒谎,她就是想破坏你对我的印象。剑桥高阶〔poisoned〕Poison from the weaver fish causes paralysis, swelling, and nausea.龙的毒素会引起瘫痪、肿胀和恶心。柯林斯高阶〔poisoned〕If I was your wife I would poison your coffee.如果我是你老婆,我会在你的咖啡里下毒。柯林斯高阶〔poisoned〕Mercury is a known poison.水银是一种已知的有毒物质。柯林斯高阶〔poisoned〕Toxic waste could endanger lives and poison fish.有毒废物可能危及生命,毒死鱼类。柯林斯高阶〔poisonous〕Containing a poison.含毒药的美国传统〔poison〕Capitalism is regarded as a poison that is destroying the traditional way of life.资本主义被视作是正在破坏传统生活方式的有害事物。麦克米伦高阶〔poison〕Carbon monoxide is a poison.一氧化碳是有毒气体。英汉大词典〔poison〕Diversions of that kind were pure poison to me.那种娱乐真叫我受不了。英汉大词典〔poison〕Don't take that route, it's poison.别走那条路线,否则准保完蛋。英汉大词典〔poison〕Hatred is a poison that will destroy your life.仇恨是一种毒药,它会毁掉你的生活。朗文当代〔poison〕He drank freely of rum. The poison had taken effect, and he stumbled.他狂饮朗姆酒。酒性发作,他步履踉跄。英汉大词典〔poison〕He sucked most of the poison from the wound.他从伤口吸出了大部分毒素。牛津搭配〔poison〕He swallowed some type of poison.他吞食了某种毒药。朗文当代〔poison〕He tried to poison my dog.他想毒死我的狗。英汉大词典〔poison〕He was hated like poison by all his men.他手下所有的人都对他恨之入骨。英汉大词典〔poison〕Helms attempted to poison his whole family with strychnine.赫尔姆斯企图用马钱子毒死全家。朗文当代〔poison〕Her drink had been laced with a deadly poison.她的饮料里掺进了致命的毒药。剑桥高阶〔poison〕His comment served only to poison the atmosphere still further.他的评论只是令气氛更加恶化了。牛津高阶〔poison〕How did the murderer poison the victim? 凶手是怎么毒死受害者的?韦氏高阶〔poison〕Poverty is a poison to society.贫困是社会的毒药。韦氏高阶〔poison〕Propaganda can poison people’s minds.宣传能毒害人的思想。牛津同义词〔poison〕She had laced his drink with poison.她在他的饮料中掺了毒药。牛津搭配〔poison〕She had put poison in his wine.她在他的葡萄酒里放了毒药。牛津搭配〔poison〕She hired an assassin to poison him and his mother.她雇了一名杀手去把他和他母亲毒死。外研社新世纪〔poison〕She's absolute poison.她实在令人恶心。英汉大词典〔poison〕Some mushrooms c ontain a deadly poison.有些蘑菇含有致命毒素。牛津高阶〔poison〕Some mushrooms contain poison.有些蘑菇有毒。麦克米伦高阶〔poison〕Someone tried to poison our dog.有人想毒死我们的狗。21世纪英汉〔poison〕Sulphur may poison a fuel cell.硫会对燃料电池产生抑制作用。21世纪英汉〔poison〕Sulphur may poison a fuel cell.硫会对燃料电池产生抑制作用。英汉大词典〔poison〕The dog was killed by rat poison(= poison intended to kill rats).狗被耗子药毒死了。牛津高阶〔poison〕The farmer had put down some rat poison.那个农夫投放了一些灭鼠药。牛津搭配〔poison〕The insensitive remarks will poison the relationship between the two superpowers.不讲道理的言论将破坏两个超级大国之间的关系。21世纪英汉〔poison〕The killer gave her victims food laced with poison.杀手把掺了毒药的食物给了她要杀的人。韦氏高阶〔poison〕The law will only serve to poison relations between the US and Mexico.这条法律只会起到危害美国和墨西哥关系的作用。朗文当代〔poison〕The look she gave me was pure poison.她看我的眼神中充满敌意。麦克米伦高阶〔poison〕The pest control officer put bowls of rat poison in the attic.虫害防治官员在阁楼里放了几碗鼠药。剑桥高阶〔poison〕The villain in the play dies by drinking a vial of poison.戏中那个坏人喝了一小瓶毒药死了。韦氏高阶〔poison〕These ideas are a poison in our society.这些思想是我们社会的一害。英汉大词典〔poison〕These words were pure poison to me.这些话对我有害无益。牛津搭配〔poison〕They have threatened to poison the city's drinking water.他们威胁说要在这座城市的饮用水中下毒。麦克米伦高阶〔poison〕To kill or harm with poison.用毒害:用毒物杀死或伤害美国传统〔poison〕We put down some poison to kill the rats.我们放了些毒药杀鼠。英汉大词典〔practise〕He will practise against you by poison.他将用毒药谋害你。21世纪英汉〔presence〕Tests revealed the presence of poison in the blood.化验显示血液中含有有毒物质。朗文当代〔pump〕The doctor pumped the poison out of the child's stomach.医生灌洗掉那个孩子胃中的毒物。21世纪英汉〔put ... down〕Do they put down poison for getting rid of these rats?为消灭老鼠他们下毒了吗?21世纪英汉〔ratsbane〕Rat poison.毒鼠药美国传统〔raven〕The hungry rat ravened down the poison bait.饥饿的老鼠一口吞下毒饵。21世纪英汉〔red squill〕A powder prepared from the bulbs of the red squill and used as a rat poison.海葱散:从红海葱的葱头中制成的可用作灭鼠药粉末美国传统〔reference〕The court heard how Allan made a reference to poison while chatting with a pal.法庭听取了艾伦与朋友闲聊时如何提到毒药的陈述。外研社新世纪〔remove〕It is said that the young woman was removed by poison.据说那个年轻妇女是被毒药毒死的。21世纪英汉〔rid〕Poison will get rid of the rats in the barn.毒药将把谷仓中的老鼠毒死。英汉大词典〔schedule〕The substance has been scheduled as a poison.这种物质已被列为毒物。牛津高阶〔scheme〕She schemed to kill him with poison.她密谋毒死他。朗文当代〔secrete〕The toad's skin secretes a deadly poison.这种蟾蜍的皮肤会分泌出一种致命毒素。朗文当代〔skin〕The poison may be absorbed through the skin.毒物可能通过皮肤被吸入。英汉大词典〔skin〕The poison may be absorbed through the skin.毒素可能通过皮肤被吸收。外研社新世纪〔squill〕The dried inner scales of the bulbs of any of these plants, used as rat poison and formerly as a cardiac stimulant, expectorant, and diuretic.海葱的鳞茎:晒干了的任一种这些植物的鳞茎的内部鳞片,可用来做老鼠药,过去用作心脏病的刺激物、祛痰剂和利尿剂美国传统〔squirt〕The snake can squirt poison from a distance of a metre.这种蛇能把毒液喷射到一米处远。牛津高阶〔test〕They have tested the food for poison.他们对食物进行化验以确定是否有毒。21世纪英汉〔tip〕The giraffe was killed with a spear that had been tipped with poison.长颈鹿被尖上涂有毒药的长矛杀死的。剑桥高阶〔tip〕The native warriors tipped their arrows with poison.那些土著战士在他们的箭头上加上毒药。文馨英汉〔tolerance〕Physiological resistance to a poison.抗毒性:身体上对毒药的抵抗反应美国传统〔toxicant〕A poison or poisonous agent.一种毒物或毒剂美国传统〔toxicogenic〕Producing poison or toxic substances.产毒的:产生毒素或有毒物质的美国传统〔trace〕The post-mortem revealed traces of poison in his stomach.验尸发现他胃中有微量毒物。牛津高阶〔treacle〕A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison.解毒剂:一种药物复合剂,以前用于解毒美国传统〔upas〕The poison obtained from this tree or from similar trees.见血封喉毒汁:从这种树或类似的树上提取的毒汁美国传统〔venom〕A poison.毒;毒物美国传统〔walk down〕He wanted to walk down these poison.他想通过散步消除这些毒素。21世纪英汉〔whispering〕Whispering tongues can poison truth.咬耳嚼舌能歪曲真相。英汉大词典A skull and crossbones on a bottle usually means that it contains poison.瓶子上有骷髅画通常意味着里面装了毒药。剑桥国际Anemone was at the time believed to be an antidote for scorpion poison.银莲花在当时被认为是蝎毒的解药。剑桥国际Bottles of lemonade doctored with rat poison were discovered in the kitchen.几瓶混有老鼠药的柠檬汁在厨房里被发现了。剑桥国际Common lore often describes poison ivy as growing mainly in the woods.通常认为毒藤主要生长在森林里。剑桥国际Dioxin is a poison that takes immediate effect.二恶英是一种快效毒药。剑桥国际Don't believe a word she says about me -- she's just trying to poison your mind against me.她对你说的有关我的话一句也别信----她想使你对我产生恶感。剑桥国际Forensic examination revealed a large quantity of poison in the dead man's stomach.法医检验发现死者的胃里有大量的毒药。剑桥国际Gas is a poison. 瓦斯是有毒气体。译典通He took an antidote for the poison. 他服了对付那种毒物的解毒剂。译典通Just a tiny drop of this poison is enough to kill.一小滴这种毒药就足以致人死。剑桥国际She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous. 她无意中吞下毒药,猝然死去。译典通Soldiers and civilians have been supplied with gas masks to protect them in the event of a poison gas attack.士兵和平民都发放了防毒面具以防毒气袭击。剑桥国际Some people say that selfishness is a poison in our society. 有些人说自私是我们社会的一害。译典通The poison affected the victim's vascular system.毒药影响了受害者的血管系统。剑桥国际The poison took instant effect.毒药立即发生了作用。剑桥国际The berries of this plant look delicious but in fact contain a deadly poison.这种植物的果子看上去味道很美,实际上却有剧毒。剑桥国际The company recalled thousands of tins of baby food after an anonymous caller claimed to have put rat poison in several tins.公司在接到匿名电话称已在几听罐头里放了老鼠药后收回了成千上万听婴儿食品罐头。剑桥国际The doctor expressed poison from her wound. 医生把毒液从她的伤口挤了出来。译典通The giraffe was killed with a spear that had been tipped with poison (= which had had poison put on its end).这头长颈鹿被一枝顶端涂有毒药的矛刺死了。剑桥国际The proposals would restrict companies' rights to use poison pills against hostile bids.这些建议将限制公司针对恶意收购而使用毒丸计划的权利。牛津商务The rat poison comes in small pellets. 灭鼠药是做成丸状的。译典通The substance has been scheduled as a poison.这种物质被列为毒物。牛津商务The supermarket withdrew thousands of chocolate bars from their shelves after an anonymous caller claimed to have laced them with a deadly poison.在一个匿名电话声称在巧克力糖里放了致命的毒药后,超市将数千块巧克力从售货架上撤了下来。剑桥国际This poison can enter the body by inhalation, absorption through the skin, or ingestion.这种毒药可以通过吸气、皮肤吸收或直接摄取等方式进入体内。剑桥国际This poison is one of the most dangerous substances known to man (= the human race).这种毒药是人类所知的最危险的物品之一。剑桥国际This drug will counteract the effects of poison. 这药能消解毒性。译典通This is a deadly poison. 这是一种致命的毒药。译典通We thought we had rats in the attic, so we put out bowls of rat poison.我们想阁楼里有老鼠,就放了几碗鼠药。剑桥国际

