
单词 granular
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔aleurone〕A granular protein found in the endosperm of many seeds or forming the outermost layer in cereal grains.蛋白质微粒:许多种子胚乳中存在的颗粒状蛋白质或构成谷类最外层的颗粒状蛋白质美国传统〔corn snow〕Snow that has melted and refrozen into a rough, granular surface.粒雪:反复融化和冻结而形成的坚硬的颗粒状表层的雪美国传统〔dilatancy〕The increase in volume of a granular substance when its shape is changed, because of greater distance between its component particles.膨胀性:由于粒子成分之间的距离较大,颗粒物质当形状发生变化时所具有的体积增加的性能美国传统〔grainy〕Made of or resembling grain; granular.颗粒状的:包含颗粒的或类似颗粒的;颗粒状的美国传统〔grain〕To give a granular or rough texture to.给…以粒状或粗糙的结构美国传统〔granita〕A granular dessert ice with a sugar-syrup base, usually flavored with fruit purée, coffee, or wine.格兰尼塔冰品:以糖浆为底,通常以水果、咖啡或酒调味的粒状甜点冰品美国传统〔granular〕The analysis needs to be more granular.分析需要更为细致。剑桥高阶〔granulate〕To become granular or grainy.变成颗粒状美国传统〔granulation〕Astronomy The small, transient, brilliant granular markings on the photosphere of the sun.【天文学】 耀斑:太阳光球层上小的、短暂的、粒状亮斑美国传统〔gravel〕Pathology The sandlike granular material of urinary calculi.【病理学】 结石:泌尿结石的沙状微粒物质美国传统〔manna〕A sweet granular substance excreted on the leaves of plants by certain insects, especially aphids, and often harvested by ants.某些昆虫,特别是蚜虫排泄在植物叶子上的发甜的粒状物质,经常被蚂蚁收获美国传统〔mealy〕Sprinkled or covered with meal or a similar granular substance.沾满粗粉的:沾满或涂有粗粉或类似小颗粒状物质的美国传统〔meal〕A granular substance produced by grinding.颗粒物:经过碾磨制成的粒状物质美国传统〔neutrophil〕A neutrophil cell, especially an abundant type of granular white blood cell that is highly destructive of microorganisms.嗜中性白细胞:嗜中性染料细胞,尤指多种吞噬微生物的白细胞美国传统〔névé〕The granular snow typically found in such a field.粒雪:冰源下的粒状雪美国传统〔pour〕To make (a liquid or granular solid) stream or flow, as from a container.倒:使(液体或颗粒状固体)从一容器中流出美国传统〔sand〕The loose, granular, gritty particles in an hourglass.砂粒:砂漏中的疏松的、微小的、粒状的颗粒美国传统〔shagreen〕An untanned leather with a granular surface that is often dyed green.绿革:一种未经鞣过的具有粒状表面的皮革,常被染成绿色美国传统〔silver chloride〕A white granular powder, AgCl, that turns dark on exposure to light and is used in photographic emulsions, photometry, and silver plating.氯化银:一种白色颗粒状粉末AgCl,见光后变黑,用作照相时的感光乳剂、测光和镀银美国传统〔snowmaking〕Production of artificial snow in the form of granular ice particles for use on ski slopes.人工造雪:以小冰粒形式的人工造雪,用于滑雪斜坡美国传统〔volutin〕A granular substance that stains easily with a basic dye and is often rich in phosphorus, found in the cytoplasm of various bacterial and fungal cells.异染质,迂回体:一种易与基本染料相染常富含磷的颗粒状物质,存在于各种细菌和真菌细胞的细胞质中美国传统

