
单词 diocese
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔archdeacon〕A church official, as in the Anglican Church, who is in charge of temporal and other affairs in a diocese, with powers delegated from the bishop.会吏总,大助祭:教堂官员,如在英国国教中掌管一个教区中的世俗及其它事务,具有主教授予的权力的人美国传统〔bishopric〕The diocese of a bishop.主教管区美国传统〔canon〕He violated another canon, the bishop said, by not notifying the diocese.主教说他没有通知教区, 违反了另一条教规。外研社新世纪〔canon〕There are 16 women priests serving in the diocese, one of whom is a canon at the cathedral.有16位女教士在主教辖区任职, 其中一位是主教座堂的法政牧师。外研社新世纪〔cathedral〕The principal church of a bishop's diocese, containing the episcopal throne.总教堂:主教管区内的大教堂,设有主教座位美国传统〔convocation〕An assembly of the clergy and representative laity of a section of a diocese of the Episcopal Church.主教区会议:美国新教圣公会主教区的一部分神职人员和平民代表的集会美国传统〔dean〕Roman Catholic Church A priest appointed to oversee a group of parishes within a diocese.【罗马天主教】 地方主教:被任命监督一个教区内的一组堂区的牧师美国传统〔diocesan〕Of or relating to a diocese.教区的:教区的或同教区相关的美国传统〔diocesan〕The bishop of a diocese.主教美国传统〔eparchy〕A diocese of an Eastern Orthodox Church.东正教主管教区美国传统〔episcopate〕The area of jurisdiction of a bishop; a diocese.主教的辖区;主教管区美国传统〔ordinary〕A cleric, such as the residential bishop of a diocese, with ordinary jurisdiction over a specified territory.高级教士:在一定地区内实际行使宗教管辖权的高级教士,如教区的常住主教美国传统〔parish〕An administrative part of a diocese that has its own church in the Anglican, Roman Catholic, and some other churches.本堂区,牧区:教区的一个在圣公会、罗马天主教和其它宗教有自己的教堂的行政区域美国传统〔peculiar〕Chiefly British A church or parish under the jurisdiction of a diocese different from that in which it lies.【多用于英国】 特殊教堂:受不同于其所在教区之管辖的教堂或教区美国传统〔penitentiary〕A priest whose special function is the administration of the sacrament of penance in a particular church or diocese.忏悔牧师:在一个特定的教堂或教区专门从事忏悔礼的牧师美国传统〔prelate nullius〕A prelate, usually a titular bishop, who has jurisdiction over a territory not in a diocese but subject directly to the Holy See.独立教区高级教士:高级教士,通常指主教,其对直属于罗马教徒的而非位于主教管区内的领土享有管辖权美国传统〔stipendiary〕He was appointed as a stipendiary priest in the diocese of York.他被任命为约克教区的领薪牧师。剑桥高阶〔vicar apostolic〕A titular bishop who administers a region that is not yet a diocese as a representative of the Holy See.名誉主教:管理一个天主教区的主教,但不是作为圣座代表的主教区美国传统〔vicar forane〕A priest who by a bishop's appointment exercises limited jurisdiction over the clergy in a district of a diocese.枢机主教长:由主教指定的牧师,在教区内对牧师行使受限制的管辖权美国传统〔vicar general〕A priest acting as deputy to a bishop to assist him in the administration of his diocese.代理主教:教区主教的助理人,帮助他管理教区美国传统〔visitation〕An official visit for the purpose of inspection or examination, as of a bishop to a diocese.视察,巡视:以视察或检查为目的官方性察看,如主教对一主教管区的视察美国传统He was appointed as a stipendiary priest in the diocese of York.他被指派为约克教区的领薪牧师。剑桥国际There had been various rumors the moment he arrived in the diocese. 他一进入主教辖区就有各种各样的谣言传出。译典通

