“court game”例句

单词 court game
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔backcourt〕The part of the playing area farthest from the goal or target wall in certain court games, such as handball.后场:在某个室内项目如手球中比赛场区离球门或标靶墙最远的部分美国传统〔jai alai〕An extremely fast court game in which players use a long hand-shaped basket strapped to the wrist to propel the ball against a wall.回力球:一种极为快速的宫廷游戏,游戏者用系在腕上的长的形状如手的篮子对着墙击球美国传统〔linesman〕Sports A man in various court games whose chief duty is to call shots that fall out of bounds.【体育运动】 边员:在各种场地球类运动中主要职能为裁定球边界的人美国传统〔lineswoman〕A woman in various court games whose chief duty is to call shots that fall out of bounds.女边线员,女司线员:在各种场地球类运动中用来裁定球出界的女性美国传统〔out〕Sports A serve or return that falls out of bounds in a court game.【体育运动】 界外球:网球比赛中落入球场外的发球或回球美国传统〔platform tennis〕An outdoor court game played with paddles and a rubber ball on a raised and fenced wooden floor that is smaller than a tennis court.平台网球:一种户外场地比赛,在比网球场地小且高四周带围栏的木质地板上用球拍和橡胶球比赛美国传统〔server〕Sports The player who serves, as in court games.【体育运动】 发球的队员:在比赛中发球的队员,如在场地游戏中美国传统〔serve〕Sports To put a ball or shuttlecock into play, as in court games.【体育运动】 发球:在游戏如对抗赛中发球美国传统〔serve〕The right, manner, or act of serving in many court games.发球的方式:在对抗赛中的发球权,发球方式或发球动作美国传统

