
单词 misoneism
释义 misoneism|maɪsəʊ-, mɪsəʊˈniːɪz(ə)m|
[ad. It. misoneismo (Lombroso L'uomo delinquente (1889) I. 21), f. Gr. µῑσο- miso- + νέ-ος new: see -ism.]
Hatred of novelty. Hence misoˈneist, a hater of novelty; misoneˈistic a., characterized by misoneism.
1886Pop. Sci. Monthly Oct. 782 The fear of the unknown has been named misoneism... It is best exemplified in children and savages.1891H. Zimmern in Blackw. Mag. Feb. 206/2 ‘What else is it but this that we call misoneistic’, continues Lombroso, ‘that prevents the speedy acceptance of scientific improvements’?1891Review of Rev. Jan. 83/2 The most thoroughgoing misoneist.

