
单词 inwith
释义 inwith, prep. and adv. (a., n.) Obs. exc. Sc.|ˈɪnwɪθ|
Also 3 inewið, iwið, 5 inweth; 5–6 Sc. in(n)outh.
[f. in adv. + with prep. Cf. within.]
A. prep. Within, inside of.
1. Of place. Obs.
a1225Ancr. R. 424 (MS.C.), Inwið þe wanes ha muhe werie scapeloris.a1240Ureisun in Cott. Hom. 187 Hwa is þenne unwaschen þe haueþ þis halwende wet inwið his heorte?13..Gaw. & Gr. Knt. 1055, I nolde..For alle þe londe inwyth Logres.c1386Chaucer Merch. T. 700 This purs hath she inwith hir bosom hyd.c1420Pallad. on Husb. iii. 1133 Summe ek hem sette inweth a bulbe of squille.1489Barbour's Bruce v. 348 (Edin. MS.) Till thaim that war off the castell, That war all innouth the chancell.1513Douglas æneis x. xi. 132 Turnus..spedis to this schip, Ran owr the brig, and inwith burd can skyp.
b. On the inner side of. Sc. Obs.
1535Stewart Cron. Scot. III. 271 Intumulat..Ben in the queir sum thing inwith his quene.
2. Of time. Obs.
a1225Leg. Kath. 1941 Inwið þeos þre dahes.13..Seuyn Sag. (W.) 126 Inwith yeres thre, Sal he be so wise of lare, That ye sal thank me euermare.c1386Chaucer L.G.W. Prol. 209, I fel on slepe, in with an houre or twoo.a1400–50Alexander 3900 Be þai had fyneschid þis fiȝt was ferre in with euyn, Foure houres full farne & þe fifte neghes.
3. Of state or condition. Obs.
a1300Cursor M. 26604 In-wit [Fairf. MS. wiþ-in] mi soru al o mi lijf I sal fast wit mi-seluen strijf.
B. adv.
1. Denoting position: Within, on the inside, inwardly. Obs.
a1225Juliana 7 He..felde him iwundet in wið in his heorte.a1225Ancr. R. 38 Make me tellen lutel of euerich blisse vtewið, & froure me inewið.c1230Hali Meid. 29 Ha beoð riche & weolefule iwið iþe herte.a1300Cursor M. 8860 Þat sais þe men þat þar has ben And in-wit bath and vte-wit sene.c1420Anturs of Arth. 445 In-withe was a chapelle, a chambour, a halle.1536Bellenden Cron. Scot., Cosmogr. viii. (1541) B v b, Ane lang mand narow halsit and wyid mouthit, with mony stobis Inouth.1565Privy Counc. Rec. 19 May in Keith Hist. Ch. Scot. (1734) 279 note, It is appoynted that the saidis Lordis of Secret-Counsale schall convene inwith upon the 10. of June next.
2. Denoting direction: Inwards; = in-by. Sc.
1768Ross Helenore 82 Upo' a burn I fell, Wi' bony even rode an' in-with sett.Mod. Sc. dial. Come inwith; ye'll be cauld outbye there.
b. Hence attrib. as adj. Sc.
1768Ross Helenore 69 We Or e'en may chance some in⁓with place to see.1789Ibid. 47 He the west and she the east hand took, The inwith road by favour of the brook.
C. as n. (See quot.) Obs.
1607Markham Caval. vi. (1617) 9 If the fierce Horse haue in his skelping course, either vpwithes, inwithes, or downe⁓withes, which is that he may either runne within the side of hilles, vp hils, or downe hils [etc.].

