
单词 phonology
释义 phonology|fəʊˈnɒlədʒɪ|
[f. Gr. ϕωνή voice (see phono-) + -logy. So F. phonologie (Littré).]
Orig., the science of vocal sounds (= phonetics), esp. of the sounds of a particular language; the study of pronunciation; transf. the system of sounds in a language. Now, that branch of linguistics which deals with sound systems, or with sound systems and phonetics; the study of the sound system of a particular language.
The domain of phonology is variously limited by different linguists and linguistic schools of thought. In the writings of the Prague school it is used to mean phonemics.
1799E. Fry Pantographia (title-p.), Specimens of all well authenticated oral languages; forming a comprehensive digest of phonology.1828in Webster.1845Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc. IV. 168 Observations on General Phonology and alphabetical notation.1862Marsh Eng. Lang. 64 In our enquiries into extinct phonologies we have no such guide.1879Addr. Philol. Soc. 1 Contributions to Old English Phonology and Etymology.1924, etc. [see phonetics n. pl.].1933L. Bloomfield Language viii. 138 The description of a language, then, begins with phonology, which defines each phoneme and states what combinations occur.1937J. Orr tr. Iordan's Introd. Romance Linguistics iv. 287 The great majority of linguists and all the phoneticians..use ‘phonetics’ for the physiology of sounds, and although all do not adopt the term ‘phonology’ for their historical study, those who use the term ‘phonetics’ for the latter avoid confusion by speaking of ‘historical phonetics’.Ibid. 288 This matter of terminology has become complicated still further by the special meaning given to ‘phonology’ by the Prague philologists.1939Language XV. 1 We use the term phonology to refer to alternations (synchronic phonology) or changes (historical, diachronic phonology) in sounds, rather than for the theory of the nature and permutations of the sounds. The latter we call phonemics. Those who use ‘phonology’ in this sense.. deprive themselves of a convenient means of distinguishing two fundamentally distinct subjects.1949G. L. Trager Field of Linguistics 5 The phonetics and phonemics of a language are its phonological systems, its phonology.1953J. B. Carroll Study of Lang. ii. 43 Some languages have only a limited number of phonemes, while some others appear to possess extremely complex phonologies, offering a large number of finely differentiated phonemes.1962E. F. Haden et al. Resonance-Theory for Linguistics iii. 29 Phonology is the true-structure whose contributing members are phonemics and phonotactics.1968Chomsky & Halle Sound Pattern Eng. p. vii, In the course of this detailed investigation of English sound patterns and their underlying structure, certain rules of English phonology are developed.1972M. L. Samuels Linguistic Evol. i. 3 For some, at present, phonology is less important than grammar or lexis.
Hence phoˈnologer (rare—0) = phonologist; phonoˈlogic, phonoˈlogical adjs., of, pertaining or relating to phonology; phonoˈlogically adv., in respect of phonology; phoˈnologist, one learned in phonology; phonologiˈzation, (a) shift to phonemic status; (b) development (of a phonetic feature) to the status of the distinguishing feature in a phonemic opposition.
1864Webster, *Phonologer, one versed in phonology; a phonologist.
1846Worcester, *Phonologic.1875A. J. Ellis E.E. Pronunc. xi. 1336 Indian Phonologic Alphabet.1936Amer. Speech XI. 110 A ‘phonologic system’ is defined as the ensemble of phonologic oppositions proper to a given language.1955[see minimal a. b (a)].1970Language XLVI. 312 Some phonologic features are closely related to an articulatory maneuver that involves a specific muscle.1977Archivum Linguisticum VIII. 50 ‘Generative grammar’ in the second sense is concerned with the description of rules for sentence-structures which include the phonologic level as well as the semantic one.
1818Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. I. 246 These modifications..may be distinguished in a *phonological alphabet by particular signs.1880E. L. Brandreth in Academy 19 June 459/2 The Prakrits..are separated from Sanskrit by very important phonological and other changes.
1888Athenæum 26 May 657/3 Modern Kentish..is strikingly different *phonologically from the language of the same district as written in the fourteenth century.
1818Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc. I. 241 This Sheva, the English *phonologists (if I may be allowed to use the name) have almost uniformly represented by u short.1880R. G. White Every-Day Eng. 137 Alexander Ellis, whose preeminence as a phonologist is questioned by no one.
1936Proc. 2nd Internat. Congr. Phonetic Sci. 63 The *phonologization of Middle English voiced spirants is an isolated process in the development of Germanic languages.1964B. Trnka in D. Abercrombie et al. Daniel Jones 190 The phonologization of voice of spirants.1976Archivum Linguisticum VII. 95 Preaspiration..was consequently inadmissible in kampur, etc., but since it had been distinctive its loss was accompanied by phonologization of the devoicing of the sonant.

