
单词 nother
释义 I. nother
obs. variant of nether a.
II. ˈnother, pron.1 and a.1 Obs. exc. dial.
Also 4 noiþer, 4–5 noþer (4 -ere, 5 -ir, -ire), 5 noder, -yr, nothire, -yr(e, 5–6 Sc. nothir.
[var. of other, with n transferred from the article: see N 3.]
1. a nother, an other. (See also another.)
a1300Cursor M. 3390 Of hir he had a sun madan And a noiþer hight madian.c1380Wyclif Wks. (1880) 50 A noþer symple frere þat nys not so gret flaterere.c1440Alph. Tales 193 And a noþer tyme he had with hym a monk.c1450Holland Howlat 36, I haue mekle matir..Of ane nothir sentence.1523Fitzherb. Husb. §2 In Buckyngham⁓shyre, are plowes made of an nother maner.1559J. Aylmer Harborowe E 4, Of Paul I shal speak of at a nother time.1608D. Price Chr. War 26 To establish true religion in one kingdome, to confirme it in a nother.1782in N.W. Linc. Gloss. (1877) 181 New wheel and a nother mending.
2. no nother, none other, no other.
c1320Sir. Tristr. 1852 Hastow no noþer þing?c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxxv. (Thaddæus) 138 Quhare þu Is, & in na nothyre place I-wyse.c1440Alph. Tales 245 It was no noder to giff to mynstrals bod for to offyr to fendis.c1470Henry Wallace viii. 906 Thocht he wes best, no nothir lak we nocht.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. ccclix. 582 They shulde haue no nother trust in him, but that he wolde be their Enemy.1557N. T. (Genev.) Mark ix. 29 This kynd can by no nother meanes come forth, but by prayer.
b. no notherways or -wise, no otherwise.
c1375Sc. Leg. Saints i. (Peter) 511 It, þat we ȝarne, sal fall ws, and na nothirwais.c1440Alph. Tales 482 On a tyme hym happend to tell þaim, and he cuthe no noderways tell, & he cuthe say none oder bod þus.1465Paston Lett. II. 251 They derst no notherwysse don for ferre.
3. the notheren, repr. OE. ðam óðrum.
c1315Shoreham i. 1225 Ase broþeren, For to seruy ine godes house Byfore alle þe noþeren.Ibid. 1227 To segge hys ‘leuy’ an englysch, ‘Fram þe noþeren ytake’.
III. ˈnother, pron.2 and a.2 Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: 1 nóðer, 2 noðer, 3 neoðer, 4 noþer, 4–6 (9 dial.) nother (4 -ir, 9 dial. noather); 4 noiþer, noither, 5 noythere.
[f. ne ne + *óðer, contracted form of *óhwæðer, as áðer is of áhwæðer: cf. nouther.]
A. pron. Neither of two persons or things.
a. With genitive or pers. pron. preceding.
c897K. ælfred Gregory's Past. Care li. 399 Ne fornime incer noder oðer ofer will butan geðafunge.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 4884 Þat hor noþer nadde noþing, þat to oþeres wille nas.c1330Amis & Amil. 852 Y seighe it meself this ich day,..Your noither it may forsake.1393Langl. P. Pl. C. xi. 273 Here noþer loueþ oþere.
b. Followed by of (dial. on), or without const.
c1200Trin. Coll. Hom. 165 Nis nower non trewðe for nis þe gist siker of þe husebonde, ne noðer of oðer.1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 8702 Noþer of is breþerin, þo is fader was ded, Nas nei him bote he one.c1320Sir. Tristr. 3233 Noiþer of ous nil spare Erl, baroun no kniȝt.c1450Mirour Saluacioun (Roxb.) 18 A prest and eft a Dekene come by... But noythere of them myght hele this ilke sore wounded man.1551Turner Herbal i. (1568) 93 And nother of bothe grow oute of the grounde.1854–in Eng. Dial. Dict. (s.v. Nowther), in forms nother, noather.
c. Preceded by never (later ner, nere).
c1205Lay. 30834 For nauer neoðer nalde..þat þe king hit wusten.c1385Chaucer L.G.W. Prol. 192 (Fairf.), I nam withholden yit with never nother.1540Morysine Vives' Introd. to Wysd. C v, That god alone aprove our inwarde and outwarde actis, though men alow ner nother.1565J. Calfhill Answ. Martiall (1846) 73 Whereof there is nere nother commanded, but forbidden.
d. Preceded by neither (or nether).
c1500Chaucer's L.G.W. Prol. 192 (Trin.), I am wytholde yet with neyther nother.1529More Dyaloge i. Wks. 155/1 Of which twayne ye woulde in the beginning admit neither nother.1589Marprelate Epit. (1843) 48, I wad counsell them, if they wad be ruled bai me, to be nether nother.1612T. James Jesuits' Downf. 71, I could wish that all such..would consent to beleeue nether nother.
B. adj. Neither. (Usually neither nother.)
1297R. Glouc. (Rolls) 4561 Vor þer ne bileuede in noþer syde non heymon vnneþe.Ibid. 6221 Noþer partye ne miȝte þe maistrie al biȝite.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) III. 201 By neuere noþer weie I schal paye þe þat þou axest.1530Frith Disput. Purgat. (1829) 195 Neither nother text serveth any whit for purgatory.1533More Apol. 180 There are fewe or none good in neyther nother parte.1640Brome Sparagus Gard. iv. v, No sir, we come with no zick intendment on neither nother zide.
IV. ˈnother, adv.1 and conj. Obs. exc. dial.
Forms: α. 3 noðer, neoðer, 3–5 noþer (4 notþer, 5 noþire, -eir), 4–5 nothyr(e, 5–6 Sc. -ire, 5 -ur, 3– nother (9 dial. noather, nuther). β. 4 noiþer, noither, noyther. γ. 4 nodur, 5–6 Sc. noder (5 -ir, -yr), 6 nolder, 8 nodder.
[f. as prec.: cf. nather conj. and OFris. noder, var. of nouder nouther.]
1. = neither A. 1. (Followed by ne, na, no, nor, and in early use frequently with another negative.) Obs.
αc1205Lay. 16736 Ne mihte þer na man neoðer [c 1275 noþer] ute no ingan.a1250Owl & Night. 465 Vor he nys noþer yep ne wis.a1300Cursor M. 5857 Noþer I knau him þat yee sai, Ne i ne wil lat þe folk a-wai.1390Gower Conf. II. 44 Thei merveille how such a wiht..Desireth nother Mariage Ne yit the love of paramours.c1450Merlin 87 This childe..nys nother youre ne myn by reson.1523Cromwell in Merriman Life & Lett. I. 34 They dare not trye hyt by the sworde, nother with us, nor with the saide Emparours Subiectes.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. viii. 58 Bot that nother the king nor cuntrie mycht cum to skaith.1867Waugh Home Life Factory Folk xxi. 185 Hoo's noather feyther nor mother.1873Spilling Molly Miggs' Trip (1903) 9 But that's nuther here nor there.
βa1300Cursor M. 7303 Yee ar to fraward wit to dele, For noiþer ar ȝe war ne wise.1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xii. 209 It were noyther resoun ne riȝt to rewarde hem bothe aliche.
γc1375Sc. Leg. Saints iv. (James) 70 Philet..mycht ster noder hand na fete.c1471Pol. Poems (Rolls) II. 271 The wynde, the water spareth nodyr priynce ne kyng.1533Gau Richt Vay 105 Bot alace thay wil noder prech thair self nay ȝeit suffer oders quhilk wald prech.1574in Littlejohn Aberd. Sheriff Crt. (1904) 261 Syme is noder persewar nor Moir defender in this present caus of Cognitioune.
b. = neither A. 2. Obs.
1531Tindale Expos. 1 John (1537) 36 We..loue you all alyke, nother loue we one more and another lesse.1547Recorde Uryne 3 Nother is it so easy a thing..to translate well.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 31 b, He is hevy and waketh much, nother can rest in one place.
2. nother{ddd}nother, neither{ddd}nor. Obs.
c1275Lay. 22853 Ne sal him noþer go vore gold noþer garisome.1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. xvi. viii. (Bodl. MS.), Wiþout þis siluer noþer golde noþer copre maye be ouere gilte.c1400Apol. Loll. 50 Noiþer in biggings, noiþer in liȝts, noiþer in instruments.1496Somerset Med. Wills (1901) 340, 12 shepe nother of the best nother of the worste.1530Rastell Bk. Purgat. ii. i, Nother by exhortacyon..nother by..punysshment..nor other thynge.1551Turner Herbal i. (1568) 84 It hath nother seedes like vnto marrishe mallowe, nother may a man make roopes of it.
3. = nor. (Usually with preceding negative.)
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. iv. 130 Bere no siluer ouer see.., golde noither siluer.c1386Chaucer Knt.'s T. 512 No man couthe knowe His speche nother his vois, though men it herde.a1400–50Alexander 1372 [He] band hire..bigly to⁓gedire, with þat scho flisch noþer fayle, fyue score aunkirs.1474in 10th Rep. Hist. MSS. Comm. App. V. 311 That no manere man nor woman procure nother take away no childe.a1529Skelton Ware the Hauke 196 Nor yet dronken Bacus; Nother Olibrius, Nor Dionisyus.1581J. Bell Haddon's Answ. Osor. 80 b, Nor in eating and drinking nother in chambring and wantonnesse.
4. = neither A. 3.
c1350Will. Palerne 722 Mi-self knowe ich nouȝt mi ken ne mi kontre noiþer.1362Langl. P. Pl. A. ix. 111 Was no pride on his apparail ne no pouert noþer.a1400–50Alexander 402 ‘Be noȝt a-bayste’, quod þe berne, ‘ne a-bleyd nothire’.c1489Caxton Sonnes of Aymon ix. 222 ‘I shall never sette foote there’. ‘Nor I nother’, sayd Richarde.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 234 When that wolde take no place nother.1561Hollybush Hom. Apoth. 3 If ye can not have the same nother, then take [etc.].
1840Haliburton Clockm. Ser. iii. v, It don't seem to hang very well together nother.1841Gaskel's Comic Songs 48 (E.D.D.), Nay, I cannot do that nother.1886–in dial. glossaries (Kent, Surrey, Berks, Som.), usually in form nuther.
b. With preceding negative inferred. Obs.—1
1508Dunbar Tua Mariit Wemen 358 Thus the scorne and the scaith scapit he nothir.
V. ˈnother, adv.2 Obs.
In 4–5 noþer, 5 Sc. nothir.
[app. for nower adv., after prec. Cf. nouther adv.2]
Nowhere. Usually in comb. nother-where.
a1300Cursor M. 3495 For-þi ne was he noþer quar sent Bot to þe huse ai tok he tent.Ibid. 17556 In israel er hei felles; þar es he soth and noþer elles.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xli. (Agnes) 63 Seknes had he nothir-quhare, bot in his hart he had sic care.a1400–50Alexander 993 (Dubl.), Thare is no region ne realm..Ne noþer-whare no nacion bot sall my name lowte.

