
单词 Nicholas
释义 Nicholas|ˈnɪkələs|
[The name of an early Christian saint (died 326 a.d.), bishop of Myra in Lycia, regarded as the patron of scholars, esp. of schoolboys.]
1. St. Nicholas' bishop, a boy-bishop elected by choir-boys or scholars on St. Nicholas' Eve (Dec. 5).
Cf. Puttenham Eng. Poesie iii. xxiii. (Arb.) 279; J. Gregory Posthuma (1650) 113–4; Brady Clavis Calend. (1813) II. Dec. 6; Bourne Popular Antiq. (ed. Brand) 362.
1501Acc. Ld. High Treas. Scot. II. 128 Be the Kingis command, to Sanct Nicholais beschop of Coupir in Fiff xlijs.1505Ibid. III. 175 To Sanct Nicholas beschop in Linlithqw. xlijs.
2. St. Nicholas'(s) clerks:
a. Poor scholars.
1553T. Wilson Rhet. (1580) 155 Thei are no Churchemen, thei are maisterlesse men, or rather S. Nicolas clarkes that lacke liuyng.1581Marbeck Bk. of Notes 204 To receive the Pope for his supreame head.., to receive S. Nicholas Clarkes, to have his beads, and to give to the high Altar.
b. Highwaymen. Now only arch.
See also clergyman 2.
1570Foxe A. & M. (ed. 2) 2287, I haue heard of men robbed by S. Nicolas clerkes.1596Shakes. 1 Hen. IV ii. i. 68 If they meete not with S. Nicholas Clarks, Ile giue thee this necke.1612R. Daborne Christian turn'd Turke 1393 S'foot we are preuented; S. Nicolas Clearkes are stept vp before vs.1662J. Wilson The Cheats i. i, Who should I meet with but our old Gang, some of St. Nicholas's Clerks.1819Scott Ivanhoe xii, That I might at least see any of St. Nicholas's clerks before they spring on my shoulders.

