
单词 livelihead
释义 ˈlivelihead Obs.
[f. lively + -head.]
1. Liveliness; vivacity.
c1440Promp. Parv. 308/2 Levelyheede, or qwyknesse [MS. K. liyflines], vivacitas.1647H. More Song of Soul ii. iii. i. ii, The stronger hope, the stronger fear is fed; One mother both and the like livelyhed.a1717Parnell Poet. Wks. (1833) 20 With lusty livelyhed he talks.
b. Living form or original. Also, condition of being alive; life.
c1542Surrey Death Sir T. Wyatt 2 in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 28 Dyuers thy death doe diuersely bemone: Some, that in presence of thy liuelyhed Lurked.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. ix. 3 What mote ye weene, if the trew lively-head Of that most glorious visage he did vew!1596Ibid. vi. vii. 20 But, when he nigh approcht, he mote aread Plaine signes in him of life and livelihead.
2. In senses of livelihood1: Means of living; also, inheritance.
1471–6Plumpton Corr. (Camden) 27 She hath no other mean to help herself with, unto that a determination be had betwixt T― I― & her, of the livelyhed that standeth in travers betwixt them.1590Spenser F.Q. ii. ii. 2 Full little weenest thou what sorrowes are Left thee for porcion of thy livelyhed.

