
单词 predial
释义 predial, a. (n.)|ˈpriːdɪəl|
Also 7– prædial.
[ad. med.L. prædiālis, f. L. prædi-um a farm, estate, manor: see -al1. So F. prédial (16th c.).]
A. adj.
1. Consisting of or pertaining to land or farms; ‘real’, landed; pertaining to the country, rural; agrarian.
a1529Skelton Col. Cloute 932 For they wyll haue no losse Of a peny nor of a crosse Of theyr predyall landes.1592Sir H. Unton Corr. (Roxb.) 322, I neglect not prediall matters, though I observe most polliticall.1652Urquhart Jewel Wks. (1834) 207 A pecunial or prædial recompense will..be very answerable to the nature of that service.1796W. Marshall W. England I. 100 Farm lands..having passed..from the state of common pasturage, to the predial state.1845R. W. Hamilton Pop. Educ. iii. (ed. 2) 42 Against the quick, astute, excitable intellect, which is commonly allowed to a dense population,..many contrasts are set up in favour of the predial race.
2. Arising from or consequent upon the occupation of farms or lands; agrarian.
1641Lords Spiritual 4 Because a Bishop having place in Parliament as a Peere, is, in respect of his possessions, as a prediall Nobility, and not inherent in his person.a1667Jer. Taylor Serm. Gunpowder Treason Wks. 1831 IV. 282 The delinquent loseth all his right whatsoever, prædial, personal, and of privilege.1833Blackw. Mag. XXXIII. 570 To repress the predial or rural disorders of Ireland.a1881Disraeli in Edin. Rev. July (1903) 204 [Politicians of every school have recognised a distinction] between political and predial sources of discontent in Ireland.
b. predial tithe: tithe arising or derived from the produce of the soil.
1464Rolls of Parlt. V. 518/2 All maner tithes, aswell prediall as personall.1531Dial. on Laws Eng. ii. lv. (1638) 169 The predial tith of trees is of such trees as bring forth fruits.1656Blount Glossogr., Predial Tythes, are those we call great Tythes, as of Corn and Hay.1707E. Chamberlayne Pres. St. Eng. ii. (ed. 22) 128 The Priests of every particular Parish, who are commonly called the Rectors, unless the Predial Tythes are impropriated, and then they are stiled Vicars.1834Brit. Husb. I. 71 The prædial-tithe..arises from every product of the earth, whether grain, pulse, hay, plants, fruit, or wood, and becomes due whenever the crop is taken, even although there may be more than one grown upon the same land within the year.
3. Attached to farms or to the land; owing service as tenanting land, as predial serf, predial slave, predial bondage, predial labour, predial servitude, predial slavery, predial villeinage, etc.
1754Hume Hist. Eng. I. App. i. 97 There were two kinds of slaves..household slaves..and prædial or rustic.1757Burke Abridgm. Eng. Hist. ii. i, And here these writers fix the origin of personal and predial servitude in England.1818Hallam Mid. Ages (1872) I. ii. i. 150 Scarcely raised above the condition of predial servitude.1839Keightley Hist. Eng. I. 300 The condition of the inferior ranks..had been that of villanage or predial bondage.1864Kingsley Rom. & Teut. 20 note, The early romancers..give pictures of Roman praedial slavery too painful to quote.1876Digby Real Prop. i. §3. 25 note, In the Domesday of St. Paul's we find that praedial services were due from three classes of persons, called villani, cotarii, bordarii.
b. predial servitude (Sc. Law): a servitude affecting heritable property; a servitude constituted over one subject or tenement in favour of the proprietor of another subject or tenement; e.g. a right of way through the property of another.
a1765Erskine Inst. Laws Scotl. (1773) ii. ix. §5 Real or predial [servitudes are constituted] principally in favour of a tenement, and only by consequence to a person, as the owner of that tenement.18..W. Bell Dict. Law Scot. (1861) 754/1 The tenement over which a predial servitude is constituted is called the servient tenement,..that in favour of which the servitude is constituted is called the dominant tenement.
B. n. (elliptical use of adj.) A predial tithe (obs.); a predial slave.
1531Dial. on Laws Eng. ii. lv. (1638) 170 There cannot be two predials of one thing.1844Emerson Addr. W.I. Emancip. 11 These conditions were, that the prædials should owe three-fourths of the profits of their labour to their masters for six years, and the nonprædials for four years.1873Gardner Hist. Jamaica 293 The term of apprenticeship was limited to six years for field hands or predials, as they were termed.
Hence ˈpredialist, one of a class or order of landholders; prediˈality, the state of being predial.
1762tr. Busching's Syst. Geog. II. 14 The archiepiscopal and episcopal gentry, who are stiled praedialists, enjoy the same privileges as the Hungarian nobility.Ibid. 22 The gentry are termed predialists.1897Maitland Domesday & Beyond 28 There has been in this condition of the theów a certain element of prædiality.

