
单词 orthodoxy
释义 orthodoxy|ˈɔːθədɒksɪ|
[ad. Gr. ὀρθοδοξία (c 180 in L. & S.), n. of quality f. ὀρθόδοξ-ος orthodox; prob. through med.L. orthodoxia. Cf. mod.F. orthodoxie (Furetière 1701).]
a. The quality or character of being orthodox; belief in or agreement with what is, or is currently held to be, right, esp. in religious matters.
1630Prynne Anti-Armin. 261 Dying men, especially of such orthodoxie, worth and fame as he, speake truth.1756–78[see doxy2].1768–74Tucker Lt. Nat. (1834) II. 255 Orthodoxy lies in rectitude of sentiment upon all branches of our duty, not in the characteristic doctrines of any church, however infallible.1823Lingard Hist. Eng. VI. 355 By these Articles Henry had now fixed the landmarks of English orthodoxy.1869Freeman Norm. Conq. III. xii. 105 Lanfranc was again present as the champion of orthodoxy.
b. With pl. An orthodox belief or opinion.
1871Morley Voltaire (1886) 9 The free-thinker [would fain pass] for a person with his own orthodoxies if you only knew them.1874H. R. Reynolds John Bapt. iv. §4. 254 The fruitless lives, the barren orthodoxies..are at once to undergo the most searching scrutiny.
c. Feast of Orthodoxy, in the Greek Church, a festival celebrated on the first Sunday in Lent, called Orthodoxy Sunday: see quots.
1727–41Chambers Cycl., Orthodoxy, or, Feast of Orthodoxy, denotes a solemn feast in the Greek church, instituted by the empress Theodora; still held on the first Sunday in Lent, in memory of the restoration of images in churches, which had been taken down by the Iconoclastes.1850Torrey tr. Neander's Ch. Hist. (Bohn) VI. 371 The 19th of February, the first Sunday of Lent in the year 842, was the day appointed for this celebration... This day was ever afterwards observed in the Greek church as a high festival, called the Feast of Orthodoxy.1850Neale East. Ch. I. 732 Orthodoxy Sunday = First Sunday in Lent.Ibid. 867. 1891 Tablet 8 Aug. 211/2 Heresies which are solemnly anathematised on ‘Orthodoxy Sunday’.
d. The orthodox practice of Judaism; the body of orthodox Jews.
1888Jewish Q. Rev. I. 55 The Rabbis..would have either suspected the man's orthodoxy, or would have denied that his views were really what he professed them to be.1892Ibid. IV. 215 Let us..hope that Dr. Friedländer's conception is by no means Orthodoxy's last word.1899B. Drachman Nineteen Lett. Ben Uziel p. xvii, Hirsch set up that view of Judaism called in Germany ‘Denkgläubigkeit’, which we may translate as ‘intellectual or enlightened Orthodoxy’.1955M. Sklare Conservative Judaism i. 25 It would be desirable to conclude this historical introduction with some statistics about the growth or decline of Orthodoxy, Conservatism and Reform.1966H. Kemelman Saturday the Rabbi went Hungry (1967) viii. 51 Some of the older congregants brought up in Orthodoxy.1975Times 13 Aug. 12/4 The mayor of Hackney..says: ‘I never travel by car on Saturdays or Jewish festivals.’.. Now the mayor aims to combine his orthodoxy with a little money-making by getting people to sponsor his walks.

