
单词 orped
释义 ˈorped, a. Obs.
Also 6 Sc. orpit.
[OE., of obscure origin.]
Stout, strenuous, valiant, bold.
10..in Anglia VIII. 324 Swa ᵹedafenaþ esnum ðam orpedan, ðonne he god weorc ongynþ, ðæt he ðæt ᵹeornlice beswynce.Ibid. 325 La orpeda cleric ᵹif ðu wylle witan ða terminos ðe we ymbe spræcon, wite hwylc ᵹer hyt sy ðæs monan ðæt man hæt lunaris.13..Guy Warw. (A.) 6062 Wiþ hem fif hundred kniȝtes, Orped men & gode in fiȝtes.1340Ayenb. 183 Aze þe guode kniȝt and orped þet heþ guod herte and hardi.1390Gower Conf. I. 129 Som orped knyht to sle this lord.c1440Promp. Parv. 371/1 Orpud,..audax, bellipotens.1480Caxton Chron. Eng. vii. (1520) 103 b/2 As thou hast ben orped in thy dedes he dyde to the moche honoure.1587Fleming Contn. Holinshed III. 1339/2 See you this orped giant here, so huge of limme and bone?
b. Of a beast: Fierce, furious.
1567Golding Ovid's Met. viii. (1593) 194 Yet should this hand.. confound this orped swine.1594Constable Venus & Adonis vii, For an orped swine Smit him in the groyne.
Hence ˈorpedly adv., stoutly, bravely; ˈorpedness, ˈorpedship, valour, bravery.
c1330Arth. & Merl. 1729 *Orpedlich thou the bi-stere And the lond thou fond to were.1387Trevisa Higden (Rolls) V. 231 Þe emperour dede noþing orpedliche [L. strenue].c1400Chron. Eng. lxxiii. in Herrig Archiv LII. 14 They defendede hem welle and orpydly ayens hem.
1398Trevisa Barth. De P.R. ix. xxxii. (MS. Bodl.) lf. 99 b/2 Aboute pentecoste is tyme of cheualry and of *orpudnesse.
13..K. Alis. 1413 His folk ful of *orpedschype, Quicliche leputh to hepe.

