
单词 striate
释义 I. striate, a.|ˈstraɪeɪt|
[ad. mod.L. striāt-us, f. L. stria: see stria and -ate2. Cf. F. strié.]
1. Marked or scored with striæ, showing narrow structural bands, striped, streaked, furrowed.
The earliest examples relate to the hypothesis of Descartes, as to the ‘striate’ or channelled condition of the constituent particles of matter.
1678Cudworth Intell. Syst. 684 Though Cartesius would needs imagine this Earth of ours once to have been a Sun, and so it self the Centre of a lesser Vortex; whose Axis was then Directed after this manner, and which therefore still kept the same Site or Posture, by reason of the Striate Particles, finding no fit Pores or Traces for their passage thorough it, but only in this Direction.a1706Evelyn Hist. Relig. (1850) I. 15 Des Cartes..will have God contribute nothing more to the creation of the world, than the whirligig of innumerable vortices, globes, and striate particles.1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. i. xiv. (1765) 37 Striate, streaked.1777Robson Brit. Flora 263 Equisetum fluviatile... Stem striate.1805[S. Weston] Werneria 26 This stone..is in texture foliate, And partly striate.1822–29Good Study Med. (ed. 3) I. 346 The long thread worm is..beneath, smooth; finely striate on the fore-part.1870Hooker Stud. Flora 94 Trifolium hybridum... Standard twice as long as the calyx, striate.1876J. G. Jeffreys in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Ser. iv. XVIII. 252 The rest of the lower valve is free and concentrically striate.
2. Anat. Epithet of the striatum (esp. in sense a) and the blood vessels supplying it.
1890Billings Med. Dict. 599/2 Striate arteries, small twigs from anterior and middle cerebral arteries that..supply corpus striatum.1902D. J. Cunningham Textbk. Anat. 837 An inferior striate vein descends on each side from the substance of the corpus striatum.1907Arch. Neurol. III. 42 Homonymous visual defects are due to disease and destruction of the striate cortex.1921Tilney & Bassett Form & Functions Central Nerv. Syst. xliv. 805 In its process of evolution from the lower vertebrates to mammals, the primordial portion of the striate body corresponds to the globus pallidus.1948A. Brodal Neurol. Anat. iv. 73 The striate body, the corpus striatum, consists of large grey nuclear masses..subdivided by fibre strands into different portions.1968Passmore & Robson Compan. Med. Stud. I. xxiv. 52/2 The striate area..contains extra fibres which widen the outer lines of Baillarger into a broad white band.Ibid. 72/1 The striate artery..supplies the medial part of the head of the caudate nucleus and putamen and the anterior part of the internal capsule.1978Nature 3 Aug. 423/1 Posteriorly, the striate cortex is so distinct and uniform that its borders are visible, in histological sections, even to the naked eye.
II. striate, v.|ˈstraɪeɪt|
[ad. mod.L. striāt-, ppl. stem of striāre, f. stria: see stria and -ate2.]
trans. To mark or score with striæ, to furrow, streak. Also fig.
1709Phil. Trans. XXVI. 378 This melted Matter..fix'd in a Regulus-like, friable Mass, and appear'd some⁓times lightly striated, or shot into sharp Points like Needles.a1776J. Ellis Zoophytes (1786) 3 Its body is striated lengthways with thousands of little glands.1814Southey Roderick xvi. 96 The rocky vale..Bare here, and striated with many a hue, Scored by the wintry rain.1862G. P. Scrope Volcanos 409 Such sudden floods..striate and polish its hardest rocks.1979D. Hoffmann in Harvard Guide Contemp. Amer. Writing xii. 579 Clarity and strength striate the poems of Charles Edward Eaton.

