
单词 dentifrice
释义 dentifrice|ˈdɛntɪfrɪs|
[a. F. dentifrice (15th c. in Hatzf.), ad. L. dentifricium, f. dent-em tooth + fricāre to rub.]
A powder or other preparation for rubbing or cleansing the teeth; a tooth-powder or tooth-paste; also applied to liquid preparations.
1558Warde tr. Alexis Secr. i. fol. 53 a, Dentifrices or rubbers for the teeth of great perfection, for to make them cleane.1594Plat Jewell-ho., Diuerse New Exper. 74 Sweet and delicate dentifrices or rubbers for the teeth.1601Holland Pliny II. 591 The best dentifrices for to cleanse or whiten the teeth, be made of the pumish.1694Lond. Gaz. No. 2985/4 An excellent Dentrifice, or Powder, for cleansing Teeth.1718Quincy Compl. Disp. 92 Myrrh is also an excellent Dentrifice.1876Bartholow Mat. Med. (1879) 323 Camphor enters into the composition of many dentifrices.

