
单词 thermite
释义 thermite|ˈθɜːmaɪt|
Also thermit.
[ad. Ger. thermit, f. Gr. θέρµη heat, θερµός hot + -it = -ite1.]
1. A mixture of finely divided aluminium and oxide of iron or other metal, which produces on combustion a very high temperature (c 3000° C.)
Invented by Mr. Claude Vauten of London; named subsequently by Dr. H. Goldschmidt of Essen.
1900Engineering Mag. XIX. 756/2 A mixture called ‘thermit’ consisting essentially of iron oxide and aluminium.1901Westm. Gaz. 2 May 4/2 The application of ‘thermite’, as the mixture has been named, to welding steel tubes and rails was illustrated.1901Nature 8 Aug. 362/1 To this mixture the name of ‘thermit’ has been given, and several varieties of it, adapted to various kinds of work, are used.1906Dundee Advertiser 26 June 10/1 The heat developed in the combustion of thermit,..which makes it possible to mend iron castings weighing tons.1918Nature 14 Nov. 217/2 Thermit, now an important munition of war, is in a class by itself. It is used for charging incendiary bombs and sometimes in a kind of shrapnel.1971B. Scharf Engin. & its Lang. xi. 115 The thermite is ignited and the hot metal allowed to flow into the mould, where it fills the gap between the two parts and forms a collar around them.1973R. Dentry Encounter at Kharmel xi. 198 The third explosion..set off thermite positioned under the big transceiver.
2. attrib. and Comb., as thermite method, thermite reaction, thermite shell, thermite weld; thermite process, the reduction of finely divided oxides of iron or other metals by means of an exothermic reaction with finely divided aluminium; also, thermite welding; thermite welding, fusion welding in which the heat and the weld metal are produced by the thermite process.
1929Times 16 Jan. 12/4 The *thermit method of welding has proved its worth in long-continued use.
1905Chambers's Jrnl. Dec. 78/2 A perfectly successful joint..has been made by utilising the *thermite process.1910C. H. Desch Metallography vi. 109 The great reducing power of aluminium at high temperatures has been utilized in what is known as the Thermit process to produce metals and alloys free from carbon.1930Engineering 14 Mar. 349/2 The Thermit process, the oxy-acetylene and similar blowpipes,..have all attained to a usefulness and convenience applicable..to single jobs.1958[see aluminothermic a.].1980Daily Tel. 19 Feb. 6/8 British Rail uses two main welding techniques. One, the thermit process used along the Bushey track, involves welding long stretches of rail together at the site.
1915Chambers's Jrnl. July 558/1 The *thermit reaction is used largely in the preparation of metals from their oxides.
1923Kipling Irish Guards in Gt. War I. 219 Oil-drums, gas and *thermit shells were added to the regular allowances sent over.
1980Times 19 Feb. 3/3 There are at least 700 track welds, called *thermit welds, similar to the one that failed.
1906Jrnl. Iron & Steel Inst. i. 452 Experiments with electric and *thermite welding for tramway rails.1927[see metallic a. 1 h].1952Fuchs & Bradley Welding Practice II. ii. 39 It must be remembered that Thermit welding can only be carried out successfully by specially trained and experienced personnel.

