
单词 incipient
释义 I. incipient, a. and n.|ɪnˈsɪpɪənt|
[ad. L. incipient-em, pres. pple. of incipĕre to begin.]
A. adj.
1. Beginning; commencing; coming into, or in an early stage of, existence; in an initial stage.
1669W. Simpson Hydrol. Chym. 164 Incipient putrefaction.1764Grainger Sugar-Cane iv. note (R.), The juice of the leaves drop'd into the eye will remove incipient films.1779–81Johnson L.P., Addison Wks. III. 56 The flying vapours of incipient madness.1803Beddoes Hygeia x. 20 It is affirmed that the evening and..night are the seasons of most violence with incipient lunatics.1813Sir H. Davy Agric. Chem. (1814) 302 A slight incipient fermentation is undoubtedly of use in the dunghill.1837–9Hallam Hist. Lit. I. i. iv. 293 note, It is evident that Greek was just now incipient at Cambridge.1869Goulburn Purs. Holiness vii. 57 The same instinct is found in an incipient and crude state among animals.
2. Comb. incipient species, a group of plants or animals in the process of becoming sufficiently distinct to be described as a full species.
1859Darwin Origin of Species ii. 52 A well-marked variety may be called an incipient species... It need not be supposed that all varieties or incipient species necessarily attain the rank of species.1942E. Mayr Systematics & Origin of Species vii. 156 Some subspecies are incipient species, or subspecies are potentially incipient species.1963Davis & Heywood Princ. Angiosperm Taxon. iii. 100 There is a tendency to regard subspecies as incipient species.1971Nature 2 Apr. 275/2 In D[rosophila] paulistorum there are a number of incipient species (usually called ‘semispecies’).
B. n.
1. A beginner; = inceptor. Obs.
1589Nashe Anat. Absurb. 39 This I speake to shew what an obloquie, these impudent incipients in Arts, are vnto Art.1598Florio, Incipiente, an incipient, a beginner.
2. Heb. Gram. The verbal ‘tense’ or form with prefixed servile letters, variously called Future, Present, and Imperfect.
1866J. G. Murphy Comm. Exod. iii. 14 It [present tense] is..the only form fit to express the Hebrew incipient.
Hence inˈcipiently adv., in an incipient manner.
1856in Webster.1893J. Pulsford Loyalty to Christ II. 231 Christ is incipiently becoming the inrooted Righteousness of every man who..deplores his inherent sinfulness.
II. incipient
obs. (erron.) form of insipient.

