
单词 unsealed
释义 I. unˈsealed, ppl. a.1
[un-1 8. Cf. MDu. ongesegelt, Du. ongezegeld, G. ungesiegelt.]
1. Not stamped or marked with a seal.
1377Langl. P. Pl. B. xiv. 292 Wynneth he nauȝt with weghtes fals ne with vnseled mesures.1492Extr. Aberd. Reg. (1844) I. 419 Conuikit..for the wrangwiss haldin of a wrang pek of less mesour, and unselit.1550Southampton Court Leet Rec. (1905) i. 9 We present that [they]..sell beere and wyne by vnlawful and vnsealled measures contrary to the statute.1629Leather 15 The Market is full of excellent Leather;..all this in the Morning lyes vnsealed.1660in J. Davidson Inverurie, etc. (1878) 361 Giv onie person have ane unseilit stoup they sall braik the same.
fig.1680C. Nesse Church Hist. 447 They could never kill the souls of any of Gods sealed ones, as they did of the unsealed.
2. Not having a seal imposed or attached; not closed by means of a seal.
c1430Pilgr. Lyf Manhode i. xxxvi. (1869) 22 He þat holt his swerd naked, and þe keyes vnbownde, naked and vnseeled.1523Ld. Berners Froiss. I. ccccxxv. 301/2 So he toke the letters vnsealed, and retourne in to Englande agayne.1646Bury Wills (Camden) 192 All my bookes, papers, and parchments vnsealed.1665Boyle Exp. & Obs. Conc. Cold Pref. c 6, Judging it fit to make further Trial, with an unseal'd Weather-glass.1726Berkeley in Fraser Life Wks. 1871 IV. 140 In case it be a bond in form, or..a promissory note unsealed.1793T. Twining in Recreat. & Stud. (1882) 184 Sending the parcel unsealed that you might have read..the MS.1848W. K. Kelly tr. L. Blanc's Hist. Ten Y. II. 89 This letter..was..delivered, unsealed, to M. de Montalivet.
fig.a1649Crashaw Carmen Deo Nostro, Hymn St. Thomas 54 When this dry soul those eyes shall see, And drink the unseal'd sourse of thee.1820Shelley Prometh. Unb. iv. 115 The murmurings Of the unsealed springs.1831[see prec.].
transf.1868Rep. U.S. Commissioner Agric. (1869) 278 Moisture, emanating in part from unsealed honey,..becomes condensed in the hive from external cold.
3. fig. Not formally confirmed or ratified.
1601Shakes. All's Well iv. ii. 30 Therefore your oathes Are words and poore conditions, but vnseal'd.1665J. Spencer Vulg. Proph. 87 That very many of these Modern Prophecies have been very punctually accomplish'd, though unseal'd by any divine Sign attending the delivery of them.1831James Phil. Augustus II. iii, My fate is yet an unsealed one.

Add:4. Of a road: not surfaced with bitumen or other hard substance; untarred. Chiefly Austral. and N.Z.
1966Open Road (Sydney) Aug. 3/4 Unsealed gravel roads are dusty and those behind the leading car must endure a lot of dust.1978O. White Silent Reach xvi. 170 There's two hundred and seventy miles of..unsealed highway that's rough but will carry traffic at an average of thirty to forty miles an hour.1981J. Calder Target Margaret Thatcher xi. 109 Nicole turned off the main road into a secondary track, unsealed but still rutted by the wheels of holidaymakers and Sunday drivers.1985J. Sherwood Botanist at Bay iv. 45 Where the main road headed up to the pass, Marano branched off it along an unsealed road.1990Mining Mag. July 6/2 Access to the site is over 57 km of unsealed road.
II. unˈsealed, ppl. a.2
[un-1 8 + seel v.2 Cf. unseal v. 2 b (b).]
Not closed.
1800Coleridge Piccolom. i. xi, The unsealed eye Of Jupiter's glad children born in lustre.

