
单词 historier
释义 hiˈstorier Obs.
Also 6 -ar.
[ad. OF. historieur (15th c. in Godef.), f. historier history v.]
A historian.
c1449Pecock Repr. iii. xiii. 366 Sithen historiers dwelling in thilke same cuntre..kouthen knowe better the treuthe of the deede than othere men.1490Caxton Eneydos vi. 24 Wrytynges and dyctes of olde and auncyente cronycles or historyers.1523Skelton Garl. Laurel 351 Aulus Gellius, that noble historiar.1581Marbeck Bk. of Notes 924 Which al writers, Poets, historiers, cosmographers..do confesse.

