
单词 rostle
释义 I. ˈrostle, n. Obs.—0
[? ad. L. rostellum. Cf. rostel.]
(See quot.)
1585Higins Junius' Nomencl. 300/2 Vectis rostratus,..a barre or leauer with an iron point or end: a rostle.
II. ˈrostle, v. Obs.
Also 5 ro(o)styl, etc.
[? f. OE. rostian to roast: see -le.]
trans. To burn slightly; to parch.
Perh. represented by mod. northern dial. rossel, rozzel, etc.; see Eng. Dial. Dict. s.v. Rozzle.
c1440Promp. Parv. 437/1 Rost[l]yd, sum what brennyd [Winch. rostylyd, sumwat brente], ustillatus.Ibid., Roost[l]one [Winch. rostolone, K. rostelyn, P. rostlyn], ustulo, ustillo.Ibid., Rostlynge [Winch. roostyllynge], ustyllacio.

