
单词 solute
释义 I. solute, n.|ˈsɒljuːt, səˈl(j)uːt|
[ad. L. solūt-um, or substantival use of next. Cf. OF. solut payment.]
1. A sum to be received in payment. Obs.—1
1622Mabbe tr. Aleman's Guzman d'Alf. ii. 149 His Masters..booke of remembrances, wherein hee sets downe his Solutes and his debts, what he is to receiue and what to pay.
2. The substance dissolved in a solution.
1893F. G. Donnan in Nature 27 Dec. 200/2 Corresponding to the words ‘solvent’ and ‘solution’, some word is very badly wanted to express ‘the dissolved substance’. The analogous word is evidently ‘solute’, and it is as short and euphonious as the others.1904W. C. D. Whetham Rec. Develop. Phys. Sci. iv. 115 The nature of the interaction which occurs between the solute and the solvent is unknown.1908Athenæum 25 July 102/1 The osmotic action which allows the solvent to pass through a semi-permeable wall while retaining the solute.1978P. W. Atkins Physical Chem. viii. 216 When a solute is present there is an extra randomness present in the solution that was not present in the pure solvent.
II. solute, ppl. a.|səˈl(j)uːt|
[ad. L. solūt-us, pa. pple. of solvĕre solve v.]
1. Of loose open texture or composition. Obs.
c1440tr. Pallad. on Husb. i. 250 Eek cornys best wole thryue In opon lond, solute.Ibid. xiii. 33 In lond that is solute..Not depe hem sette.1653H. More Antid. Ath. App. (1662) 183 From the solute Arenosity (as I may so speak) of Air and Fire.
2. Unmarried. Obs. rare.
1554MS. Cant. Cathedral Libr. Reg. N, lf. 166 b, I haue maried one Agnes Staunton, a single or solute woman.Ibid. 167 b, One Anne Wescotte, a single and solute woman.
3. Of discourse: Free, loose, discursive. Obs.
1605Bacon Adv. Learn. ii. xxv. §10 The Interpretations of the Scriptures are of two sorts: Methodical, and Solute, or at large.1680MacWard Contendings (1723) 177 Some, whom you mind to hit right or wrong in a solute and lax discourse.
4. Relaxed, free from care. Obs.—1
1742Young Nt. Th. ii. 585 God of joyous wit, A brow solute, and ever-laughing eye.
5. Bot. Not adhering; separate.
1760J. Lee Introd. Bot. iii. xvii. (1765) 210 Solute, free or loose, in most Plants.1866Treas. Bot. 1072/2 Solute, completely separate from neighbouring parts.
6. Dissolved; in a state of solution. Also fig.
1890W. C. Wilkinson Classic Fr. Course v. 61 (Stand.), His maxims are like hard and sharp crystals,..blandly solute and dilute in Montaigne.1904W. C. D. Whetham Rec. Develop. Phys. Sci. iv. 115 A solution may be regarded as containing a number of little systems, each composed of a solute particle surrounded by an atmosphere of solvent.
III. soˈlute, v. Obs.
[f. L. solūt-, ppl. stem of solvĕre solve v.]
1. trans. To solve, explain, clear up.
In common use c 1545–75.
1533More Answ. Poysoned Bk. Wks. 1092/1 He myght..haue soluted theyr question.1551T. Wilson Logike 64 b, Those that be good grammarians..can gaylie well solute such errours as be made by the mistaking of wordes.1580Fulke Confut. Martial iv. Wks. (Parker Soc.) II. 167 This question (he saith) is not soluted.1654[see soluting vbl. n. below].
b. To arrange, settle. rare—1.
1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 145 That if anye controuersie shall happen in this matter, he shall solute and appease the same.
2. To dissolve, nullify. rare—1.
1550Edw. VI. Jrnl., etc. (Roxb.) 523 That the King of England..with consent of 6 of the ordre may chaung, overthrow,..and solute any thing that is or shalbe made hereafter concerning this ordre.
Hence soˈluting vbl. n.
1534Cranmer Misc. Writ. (Parker Soc.) II. 277 As well for the defence of the nun's revelations, as for the soluting of my reasons.1581Marbeck Bk. Notes 172 This..serueth to the soluting of manie like kinde of cauillations.1654Z. Coke Logick 179 Of the loosing or soluting of Fallacies.

