
单词 snibbing
释义 ˈsnibbing, vbl. n.
[f. snib v.1]
The action of rebuking, reprimanding, or checking sharply.
a1300E.E. Ps. xvii. 18 Groundes of ertheli werld vn⁓hiled are For þi snibbing, lauerd myne.a1340Hampole Psalter xv. 7 Alswa oure neris, þat is, oure fleschly delites, makis vs worthi snybynge.a1400Minor Poems fr. Vernon MS. xxiv. 285 From his wraþþe vs schilde, Þat we fele not þat harde snibbyng.1451J. Capgrave Life St. Gilbert viii. 73 To encrese of religion and snybbyng of vices.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 226 This Columban was scharpe in snibbing of maneris.1633T. Adams Exp. 2 Pet. iii. 1 The man of a pure mind is always of a cheerful look, because there are no secret snibbings within him.1642D. Rogers Naaman 94 Others by their snibbing and chiding..doe blast that bud.1891Rutland Gloss. 32 Them fox-terriers takes a deal of snibbing.

