
单词 bót
释义 I. bot, bott, n.1|bɒt|
Usually in pl. bots, botts Sc. bats, batts.
[Etymology unknown: connexion with bite is phonologically inadmissible.]
1. a. A parasitical worm or maggot; now restricted to the larvæ of flies of the genus Œstrus. The name is considered to belong properly to the larva of Œ. equi, inhabiting the digestive organs of the horse, but is applied also to that of Œ. bovis (the gadfly), found under the skin of cattle, and to that of Œ. ovis, found in the frontal sinus of sheep. the botts is sometimes used as sing., as the name of the disease caused by these parasites. Also fig.
1523Fitzherb. Husb. §102 The bottes is an yll dysease, and they lye in a horse mawe, and they be an inche long white coloured, and a reed heed, and as moche as a fyngers ende.a1529Skelton Agst. Scottes 171 The roughefoted Scottes We have well eased them of the bottes.1568Jacob & Esau i. i, in Hazl. Dodsl. II. 189 He hath either some worms or botts in his brain.1617Markham Caval. i. 64 All foales naturally..are euer subiect to great aboundance, both of Mawwormes, Grubbes, and Bots.a1722Lisle Husb. (1757) 465 Groundsel and savine are good against the worms, commonly called the bots in horses.1836Penny Cycl. V. 261/2 The hole made by the bot [in the beast's hide] in his escape will apparently close.1918E. Pound Pavannes 36 Mosher's propagandas That are the nation's botts, collicks and glanders.1922Wodehouse Clicking of Cuthbert v. 109 Like a sheep with the botts.1951Colyer & Hammond Flies Brit. Isles xxiii. 294 Bots do not appear to be the cause of permanent damage to their hosts.
fig.1602Return Parnass. i. ii. (Arb.) 13 Some of them are at this instant the bots and glanders of the printing house.1647Ward Simp. Cobler 72 [The Irish] are the very offall of men..the Bots that crawle on the Beasts taile.
b. ‘Ludicrously applied to a bowel complaint in men, Selkirks.; also used to denote a colic, West Scotl.’ (Jamieson).
1721Ramsay Poems 30 She never ran sour Jute [liquor], because It gee's the Batts.1816Scott Old Mort. vii, ‘The last thing ye sent Cuddie, when he had the batts.’1844H. Stephens Bk. Farm II. 178 Going out to work..with a full stomach, may bring on an attack of batts or colic.
c. Austral. and N.Z. slang. (See quots. 1919 and 1941.)
1919Downing Digger Dial. 13 Bott, (1) a cadger; (2) a useless person; (3) a hanger-on.1941Baker N.Z. Slang vi. 51 In early uses bot is rendered as a germ, doubtless from bot-fly. From this comes the phrase of greeting, How are the bots biting? By the 1920's a bot is being used extensively for a troublesome person, for a persistent borrower, a financial parasite... Of fairly recent development in New Zealand is the phrase to have the bot, to be sick or out of sorts, moody or disagreeable.1960J. Fingleton Four Chukkas to Austr. 63 One of..the officials was berating Pressmen..as a ‘lot of bots who wanted everything for nothing’.
2. Used as an expression of execration. (Cf. pox.)
15843 Ladies Lond. i. in Hazl. Dodsl. VI. 257 A bots on thy motley beard!1606Sir G. Goosecappe iv. ii. in Bullen O. Pl. (1884) III. 65 A botts a that stincking word odorous, I can never hitt on't.1719D'Urfey Pills (1872) IV. 124 Bots on them all, Both great and small.
3. Comb.: bot-worm; bot-bee, bot-fly, an insect of the genus Œstrus, whose eggs produce the bots; bot-hole, a hole in a hide made by a bot in escaping.
1852T. Harris Insects New Eng. 499 The various insects, improperly called bot-bees, are two-winged flies.1819Rees Cycl. s.v., Œ. ovis, the sheep bot-fly..Œ. tarandi, the reindeer bot-fly.1816Kirby & Sp. Entomol. (1843) I. 121 The Tanners also prefer those hides that have the greatest number of bot-holes in them, which are always the best and strongest.1847Carpenter Zool. §733. 1877 Rep. Vermont Dairym. Assoc. VIII. 105 Grub-in-the-head is a bot-worm,..cousin to the bots in horses.
II. bot, bott, n.2|bɒt|
Colloq. abbrev. of bottom n. 1 b.
1922Joyce Ulysses 527 Spank your bare bot right well, miss, with the hair-brush.1951Auden Nones (1952) 54 The cute little botts of the sailors.1959I. & P. Opie Lore & Lang. Schoolchildren xiii. 301 A kick up the bot for being a clot.
III. bot, bót
OE. form of boot n.1, occas. used by modern historical writers in reference to OE. law and custom in senses 5, 5 b, 9, 10 of that word.
IV. bot
obs. form of boat n., boot, bout = about, but; obs. pa. tense of bite.
V. bot, n.3
Brit. |bɒt|, U.S. |bɑt|
Forms: 19– 'bot, 19– bot
[Shortened ‹robot n. Compare slightly earlier -bot comb. form.]
1. orig. Science Fiction. A robot.
1969R. C. Meredith in Amazing Stories Jan. 130/2 When they got my ship the only part of me that the 'bots were able to get into cold-sleep was my head, shoulders and a part of my spine.1977G. Benford in Cosmos Sci. Fiction & Fantasy Mag. May 25/1 ‘What's your name, little bot?’ The robot squats mutely. ‘Bot?’ Gerald asks. ‘Slang for robot. You ask him.’1992L. Niven & S. Barnes Calif. Voodoo Game 252 We have maintenance 'bots in there.2001Time 19 Nov. 87 This Pentium-powered bot uses sonar sensors to keep her from bumping into walls..as she rolls along.
2. Computing. An automated program on a network (esp. the Internet), often having features that mimic human reasoning and decision-making; spec. (a) a program designed to respond or behave like a human (in games, chat rooms, etc.); (b) a program that locates information.
1990Bot-haters Unite! in alt.mud (Usenet newsgroup) 23 Jan. The following consists of a general flame against bots.1991H. Rheingold Virtual Reality iii. xiii. 309 ‘Robots’, often called ‘bots’, are programs that run around a MUD and perform services.1994Hartford (Connecticut) Courant (Nexis) 6 Sept. a1 Some bots..hang out in on-line chat areas. Others can hunt down someone's electronic mailing address or search for information on a topic. Still others can play games and hold rudimentary conversations.1996PC Week (Nexis) 23 Dec. 61 Servers can detect the use of read-ahead utilities as they do search engines and other bots.2001Newsweek 20 Aug. 52/1 Script kiddies are the ones most likely to scan your home PC using automated bots. These bot programs churn away all day and night, prodding at millions of random IP addresses looking for holes to crawl through.
VI. bot, v. Austral. and N.Z. slang.|bɒt|
[f. bot, bott 1 c.]
intr. (See quot. 1941.) So ˈbotting vbl. n.
1934Bulletin (Sydney) 7 Nov. 46/2 Settle up when I sell me next picture... Never did like botting on a bloke.1941Baker N.Z. Slang vi. 52 To bot, to borrow money, to impose on others, and botting, the practice. To bot on a person is widely used..cold botting is a straight-out request for food at house-doors.

