
单词 self-exaltation
释义 self-exalˈtation
[self- 1 a.]
Exaltation of oneself, one's personality or claims.
1677Gale Crt. Gentiles iv. 132 Proud self-exaltation brings down the soul.1726Amherst Terræ Fil. Pref. p. xxiii, To indulge the natural vanity of an author, by applying to my own performance the self-exaltation of the celebrated Horace.1856Grote Greece ii. xciv. XII. 328 That exorbitant self-exaltation which formed the leading feature in his character.1864Pusey Lect. Daniel vi. 337 It is not self-exaltation to speak the simple truth.
So self-eˈxaltative a., -eˈxalted ppl. a., -eˈxalting vbl. n. and ppl. a. (whence -eˈxaltingly adv.).
1810Bentham Packing (1821) 23 Of these two branches of the art of deception, the first mentioned may be termed the depressive or humiliative; the other the *self-exaltative.
1905Holman-Hunt Pre-Raphael. I. 376 The arrogant self-taught and *self-exalted umpires.
1685Baxter Paraphr. N.T. 1 Tim. iii. 6 The Errour of *Self-exalting.
a1688Bunyan Of the Trinity Wks. 1767 I. 690 Those high towering and *self-exalting imaginations.1781Cowper Hope 530 If self-exalting claims be turn'd adrift.
1874Spurgeon Treas. David lxxxvi. 5 So *self-exaltingly indignant at the injuries done them by others.

