
单词 calculative
释义 I. ˈcalculative, a.1 Med. ? Obs.
[f. calcul-us + -ative.]
Liable to calculary disease.
1657Tomlinson Renou's Disp. 189 Foments applyed to pleuritical..persons, as also to the calculative.
II. calculative, a.2|ˈkælkjʊlətɪv|
[f. calculate v.1: see -ative.]
Of or pertaining to calculation; given to calculating.
c1766Burke Popery Laws Wks. IX. 389 Habits of calculative dealings.1840Fraser's Mag. XXI. 307 Extraordinary calculative powers.1865Carlyle Fredk. Gt. VIII. xix. v. 170 Daun..sits expectant; elaborately calculative.

