
单词 enemylike
释义 ˈenemylike, a. and adv. Obs.
Also 4 enemylich.
[f. enemy + like a. and adv.]
A. adj. Resembling an enemy; having the bearing or disposition of an enemy.
1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. 166 To be caried with an enemylike mynd against his aduersarie.1623Bingham Xenophon 7 As for Cyrus, where he is..an enemie, no man more sowre, nor more enemie-like.
B. adv. After the manner of an enemy; as an enemy does.
1382Wyclif Num. xxv. 18 The Madianytees..enemylich han doo aȝeyns ȝow.1561T. Norton Calvin's Inst. iv. xx. (1634) 739 To defend with warre the dominions committed to their charge, if at any time they be enemy-like assailed.1631Gouge God's Arrows iii. ii. 183 They were the first that enemie-like set upon Israel.1651Howell Venice 178 But whether he is to be acknowledg'd as a Father, who enemy-like robs his children, judge you.

