
单词 sideways
释义 sideways, adv. and a.|ˈsaɪdweɪz|
[f. side n.1 + -ways.]
1. From one side.
1577B. Googe Heresbach's Husb. iii. (1586) 128 Let him that keepes them, offer them a little meate, not sidewaies, or behinde, but before coying them al the while.1712Spect. No. 524 ⁋6 Where they lost the full Prospect of the Radiant Pillar, and saw it but side-ways.1725Fam. Dict. s.v. Rabbet, If the Wind be side-ways, it may do well enough.
2. a. Presenting the side instead of the face, front, or end; with the side foremost; in the direction of the side; facing to the side, etc.
1598W. Phillip tr. Linschoten 5 But it is a side-wind, and we must alway lie sidewaies in the wind almost untill wee come to the cape de Bona Speranza.1612Peacham Gentl. Exerc. iii. ix. (1634) 157 A Lion is given sometimes but halfe,..sometime but his head only, which is never borne but sideways, and with one eye.1713Derham Phys. Theol. Pref. (1720) 6 The Beards..are not to be seen, unless they are laid in a due posture in the Microscope, viz. side-ways.1771Luckombe Hist. Print. 344 Taking..five quires off his Heap in both his hands.., he shakes them long-ways and side-ways, to and fro.1818Cobbett Polit. Reg. XXXIII. 596 Their great Quack..would have pushed them along, either long-ways or side-ways, head-foremost or heels-foremost, through all their difficulties.1840Dickens Old C. Shop v, Some side-ways, some head first, some stern first.1866G. Macdonald Ann. Q. Neighb. ix. (1878) 140 A..narrow stair, upon which two people could not pass without turning sideways and squeezing.
b. Const. to or towards.
1795Southey Lett. fr. Spain (1799) 104 The course of the Ezla..has altered much since the bridge was built. It now stands sideways to the current.1825J. Neal Bro. Jonathan I. 79 Lucy Armstrong..sat..sideways towards Peters.
c. Const. on (on adv. 7 b): = side-on adv.; also (hyphened) as adj.
1972Guardian 28 Jan. 6/1 Methods of reducing injuries when a car is hit sideways-on by another car.1973W. Barlow Alexander Principle ix. 141 We need to look once more at our spines and our stance sideways on.1976J. Snow Cricket Rebel 37 By the time I returned to Sussex..I was very much more a ‘sideways-on’ bowler.
3. a. In a lateral or sideward direction; towards one side; obliquely.
1611Cotgr., À costiere, aside, sideling, sidewayes.c1618Moryson Itin. iv. viii. (Roxb.) 142 And two [guns] of like greatnes..were turned towards the Gallye to shoote syde⁓wayes.1692Bentley Boyle Lect. vii. 236 The Atoms may not only fly side-ways, but over likewise and under each other.a1774Goldsm. Surv. Exp. Philos. (1776) I. 408 Thus far as to water spouting horizontally, or as we usually say sideways from a vessel.1798Coleridge Anc. Mar. iii. xiv, We listened and looked sideways up!1838Whewell in Life (1881) 191 The horse slipped down side-ways on a hard-frozen slope, and I fell on my shoulder.1868Lockyer Elem. Astron. §176 He will find that the axis is not then inclined either to or from the Sun, but sideways.1892A. Ritchie Rec. Tennyson i. viii. 48 He told me to look..if the field-lark did not come down sideways upon its wing.
b. to look sideways: to look with a scornful side-glance; askance; to regard something in a furtive or improper manner; spec. to glance amorously or suspiciously at.
1844‘J. Slick’ High Life in N.Y. I. xiv. 217 If he dared looked sideways at his [i.e. another's] wife or sister.1860J. Kavanagh Seven Years III. 142 If any one should look sideways at you for what has passed, let that person expect to settle it with me.1895Conrad Almayer's Folly 160 This thought caused him to pluck up heart and look at Nina sideways.1921B. Gilbert Old England 70 But he was known to be paying to three different women for a child each, And his housekeeper beginning to look sideways.1974N. Marsh Black as he's Painted vi. 162 It wouldn't..be anything out of the way if they got round to looking sideways at each other.
c. In colloq. phr. to knock sideways: to astound, as with pleasure or shock; to dumbfound, to amaze.
1925B. Travers Mischief iv. 60 She could have engaged in a viva voce competition with the editor of The Dog World and knocked him sideways.1942J. B. Priestley Black-Out in Gretley vii. 169 When anybody..does something or has something that suddenly knocks me sideways, I feel I ought to mention it... It's like paying a debt.1957R. Mason World of Suzie Wong ii. iv. 149 Their attitude is basically commercial... But my guess is that this stuff will knock them sideways.1960M. Stewart My Brother Michael xvi. 203, I can't seem to think straight... I feel knocked kind of sideways.
d. Comb., as sideways-looking adj. = side-looking a.
1962Daily Tel. 29 Oct. 22/3 A new method of obtaining aerial pictures is by ‘sideways looking’ radar.1966Geo-Marine Technol. Oct. 18 Sideways-looking sonars produce acoustic pictures of the surface of the sea-bed.1979‘M. M. Kaye’ Shadow of Moon (ed. 2) xxxiv. 408 The dark, secretive, sideways-looking eyes.
4. So as to incline to one side.
1631Milton Epit. March'ess Winchester 42 But the fair blossom hangs the head Side-ways.1870Swinburne Ess. & Stud. (1875) 333 A beautiful head of a youth bent sideways.
5. At one side (of a place).
17..in Chambers' Cycl. (1753) s.v. Coursing, No horseman or footman is to go before or sideways, but all strait behind.1805E. de Acton Nuns of Desert II. 2 We proceeded..till we reached a cottage, about a mile sideways of Marston.
6. By an indirect way or route; indirectly.
1723Pres. St. Russia II. 277 Whatever Provisions were with the greatest difficulty bought up Sideways in the Country and carried to them, were to be paid for double and treble the value.1877Tennyson Harold i. i. 260 Side not with Tostig in any violence, Lest thou be sideways guilty of the violence.
7. As adj. = sideway a.
1868Rep. U.S. Comm. Agric. (1869) 253 There will be no sagging, nor any side-ways deflection of the setting guide or the row.1899Daily News 6 Dec. 5/1 The present Press seats at Lord's are in the grand stand with a sideways view of the game.

Sense 3 d in Dict. becomes 3 e. Add: [3.] d. As an intensifier: thoroughly, to the limit of one's tolerance. colloq.
1956B. Holiday Lady sings Blues (1973) x. 97 There was nothing anybody in California could show me, anything there was doing out there I'd seen before and sideways.1974Times 9 Feb. 11 Broadstairs bored him sideways, and he taught me to press on.1985A. Bleasdale Are you Lonesome Tonight? 55 Older Presley:..Listen, man,..there's just one thing you could do for me. Duke: Yeah? Older Presley: Yeah. Go screw yourself. Sideways.
[7.] b. fig. That treats a subject from a different or unconventional angle; indirect, ‘off-beat’.
1982Christian Science Monitor 1 Apr. 19/1 A real experimenter, Benning takes a sideways approach to storytelling: He splits his plot into bits and pieces, and interrupts these with digressions into the realm of pure film.1987Sun 21 Feb. 14/2 Jasper Carrott takes his final sideways look at recent events.1988New Scientist 29 Oct. 67/2 Although Dealing with Dirt is ostensibly aimed at a fairly young audience..many an adult might enjoy this sideways look at the application of science to problems of everyday life.

