
单词 cleping
释义 ˈcleping, vbl. n. Obs.
[f. clepe v. + -ing1.]
1. The action of the verb clepe; a call, cry.
c975Rushw. Gosp. Matt. xxv. 6 æt middere niht þa cleopung ᵹeworden wæs.c1430Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 2737 He cam at the first cleping.1567Turberv. The Louer voweth (R.) Hir clepings and hir cries.
2. That which one is called; name, designation.
a1300Cursor M. 24987 Godd o luue has his cleping.c1430Syr Gener. (Roxb.) 3168 Men called him Belvynes the stoute..Nou hath he chaunged that cleping.
3. Calling, vocation.
1382Wyclif Eph. iv. 1 That ȝe walke worthily in the clepinge, in which ȝe ben clepid.

