
单词 dame's-violet
释义 dame's-violet
[A transl. of the Latin name in the old herbalists, Viola matronalis, or of its equivalents. The form damas or damask violet appears to have been a corruption.]
A popular name of the common Garden Rocket, Hesperis matronalis; by Lyte called also dame's gilliflower.
1578Lyte Dodoens ii. v. 153 Of Dames violets or Gilofloures..These floures be now called in Latine Violæ Matronales [so in Turner 1562]: in English Damaske violets, Dames violets or Gillofers, and Rogues gillofers; in French Violettes de Dames; in base Almaigne Mastbloemen, and after the Latine name they call it Joncfrouwen vilieren, which may be Englished Dames violets.1597Gerarde Herbal ii. cxvi. §i. 376 Dames Violets or Queenes Gilloflowers.1688R. Holme Armoury ii. 74/1 The double Dame Violet groweth many together in a knot.1886Pall Mall G. 8 Oct. 5/1 The sweet smell of the purple dame's-violet.

