
单词 starkly
释义 I. ˈstarkly, a. Obs.
In 3 sterclich, starclich.
[f. stark a. + -ly1.]
Violent, fierce.
c1205Lay. 25330 And astured weoren Romweren alle mid sterclichere wræððe.c1275― 7505 And hii him to wende mid star[c]liche [c 1205 ladliche] fihte.Ibid. 23956 Mid starcliche maine [c 1205 mid feondliche lechen].
II. starkly, adv.|ˈstɑːklɪ|
Forms: 2 stearclice, stercliche, 3 sterk-, stærc-, sterc-, starc-, starchliche, starliche, -lige, 5–6 starklie, (6 starkli, starckly, starkely), 4– starkly.
[f. stark a. + -ly2.]
1. Stoutly, boldly; strongly, powerfully; strenuously; harshly, sternly. Obs.
c1100O.E. Chron. (MS. D.) an. 1016, Þa ᵹewende se here to Lundenne & þa buruh utan ymbesæton & hyre stearclice on feaht æᵹðær ᵹe be wætere ᵹe be lande.c1175Lamb. Hom. 121 Summe þer weren þet his eȝan bundan and hine on þet neb mid heore hondan stercliche beoten.c1205Lay. 21178 Nu fusen we hom to, & stærcliche [c 1275 starlige] heom leggen on.a1225Leg. Kath. 717 Þeos meiden..stod, þurh þeos steuene starcliche istrenget.c1375Sc. Leg. Saints xxiii. (Seven Sleepers) 128, & þai cane ete, to ma þame stark, confort to get to þat end, and in entent þat starklyare to thole þe torment.c1480Henryson Test. Cress. 280, I say this by ȝone wretchit Cresseid, The quhilk..Me and my Mother starklie can reprufe.1520M. Nisbet N.T. Scots Acts xix. 20 So starkli the word of God waxit, and was confermyt.a1578Lindesay (Pitscottie) Chron. Scot. (S.T.S.) I. 281 Bot his freindis advertissit thairof watchit starklie that night.1596Dalrymple tr. Leslie's Hist. Scot. II. 305 The Castel of Dunbar starklie, and stoutlie suld be defendet with the ffrenche wappounes.a1802Jamie Telfer xxviii. in Scott Minstrelsy I. 86 The Scots they rade, the Scots they ran, Sae starkly and sae steadilie.1816Scott Old Mort. xix, Was ever wight so starky made But time and years would overthrow?1900C. Murray Hamewith 51 An' starky did he gie him 't back.
2. Stiffly, rigidly.
1523–34Fitzherb. Husb. §65 There be beastes, that wyll haue the goute..in the hynder fete, and it wyll cause them to halt, and go starkely.1557T. Phaer æneid vii. (1558) V ij, And euery feeld with swordes vpright, As stubble starckly stands.1603Shakes. Meas. for M. iv. ii. 70 Pro. Where's Barnardine. Cla. As fast lock'd vp in sleepe, as guiltlesse labour, When it lies starkly in the Trauellers bones.1828Carr Craven Gloss., Starkly, stiffly.1870B. Harte Luck of Roaring Camp 5 The low bunk..on which the figure of the mother was starkly outlined below the blankets.1871R. Ellis Catullus lxvii. 6 A corpse outstretch'd starkly.
b. Tightly, firmly.
1818Byron Mazeppa xvi, With feeble effort still I tried To rend the bonds so starkly tied.1820Shelley Hymn Merc. lxx, The withy bands, though starkly interknit, Fell at the feet of the immortal child.
3. Barely, nakedly.
1850Merivale Rom. Emp. lv. (1865) VII. 49 Many noble trees were stripped of their branches under the Caesars as starkly as the Caesars themselves.1913Blackw. Mag. Sept. 309/2 The place was starkly furnished.

