
单词 repay
释义 I. reˈpay, n. Now rare or Obs.
[f. next.]
Repayment, return.
1593Norden Spec. Brit., M'sex 1 Accept..my willing indeuor, vntill time afforde ablenes to make better repay.1753Young Brothers i. i, They measure blood by drops And bail not one in the repay.a1810Tannahill Poems (1846) 25 He wha deals in scandal only gains A rich repay of scandal for his pains.
II. repay, v.1|rɪˈpeɪ|
[ad. OF. repaier, rapaier, f. re- re- + payer to pay.]
1. trans. To refund, pay back (a sum of money, etc.). Also with double object.
1530Palsgr. 686/1 What so ever you lay out it shalbe repayed you.1560J. Daus tr. Sleidane's Comm. 74 They require him to repaie the kinge of England his money.1607Shakes. Timon i. i. 288 No meede but he repayes Seuen-fold aboue it selfe.1665Manley Grotius' Low C. Warres 401 At the end of the War, whatever was disbursed, should be repaid.1784Cowper Task iii. 364 Human life Is but a loan to be repaid with use.1818Cruise Digest (ed. 2) II. 104 It was agreed, that if A. repaid 1000l., &c. borrowed of B.,..then B. should reconvey to him.1864Tennyson En. Ard. 319 Money can be repaid; Not kindness such as yours.
b. To return (a blow, visit, salutation, etc.).
1593Shakes. 3 Hen. VI, ii. iii. 3, Strokes receiu'd, and many blowes repaid, Haue robb'd my strong knit sinewes of their strength.1686tr. Chardin's Trav. Persia 233 According to the Custom of Repaying the Visits of a Person of Quality.1788Gibbon Decl. & F. I. V. 211 He..received and repaid the salutations of the patriarchs.
c. To give (a thing) in return or recompense (for something).
1560Bible (Genev.) Ecclus. xii. 6 The moste High..will repay vengeance vnto the vngodlie.1611Bible Prov. xiii. 21 Euill pursueth sinners: but to the righteous, good shall be repayd.1720Pope Iliad xvii. 38 Come, for my brother's blood repay thy own.1818Shelley Eug. Hills 190 What though thou with all thy dead Scarce can for this fame repay Aught thine own.
d. To avenge (a thing) on a person. Obs. rare—1.
1753Young Brothers i. i, Now her eyes repay Her brother's wounds on Philip's rival sons.
2. To make repayment or return to (a person); to pay (one) back in some way.
a1542Wyatt in Tottel's Misc. (Arb.) 71, I was content thy seruant to remain; And not to be repayed after this fashion.1596Spenser F.Q. iv. i. 40 Let me now you pray,..Ye will me now with like good turne repay.1661Boyle Style of Script. (1675) 85, I could readily retaliate, and repay them in the same coin.1748Anson's Voy. i. viii. 82 We should be amply repayed for all our past sufferings.1791Mrs. Radcliffe Rom. Forest x, I will repay you for your kindness.1827Lytton Pelham ii, He was repaid as such by a pretty general dislike.1864Tennyson En. Ard. 309 When Enoch comes again Why then he shall repay me.
3. To make return or recompense for, requite (an action, etc.):
a. of persons. Also const. with (or by) and in pass. without expressed agent.
1596Shakes. Tam. Shr. iv. iii. 45 The poorest seruice is repaide with thankes.1611Bible Job xxi. 31 Who shall repay him what he hath done?1667Milton P.L. ix. 178 Spite then with spite is best repaid.1764Goldsm. Trav. 198 Haply too some pilgrim, thither led, With many a tale repays the nightly bed.1797Mrs. Radcliffe Italian i, [She] repaid the fondness of a mother with the affection of a daughter.1835Sir J. Ross Narr. 2nd Voy. xxxvii. 513 She repayed her physic by the stone which is used in striking fire.1869Browning Ring & Bk. ix. 1312 Repaying incredulity with faith.
b. of things. Also in pass.
1610Healey St. Aug. Citie of God xi. xxiii. (1620) 406 That we might know that the spirits merits are not repaid by the bodies qualities.1781Cowper Hope 771 The abundant harvest, recompense divine, Repays their work.1809Campbell Gertr. Wyom. i. xi, Her lovely mind could culture well repay.1860Tyndall Glac. ii. xxix. 399 A series of..considerations which I think will repay the reader's attention.1867M. E. Herbert Cradle L. viii. 223 But the view from the summit repays all the toil.
refl.1766Complete Farmer s.v. Drill-rake 3 A 3/2 Yet even this small work of supererogation repays itself.1872Morley Voltaire (1886) 10 The sacrifice may repay itself a thousand fold.
4. intr. To make repayment or return.
1557N. T. (Genev.) Rom. xii. 19 Vengeance is mine: I wil repaye, saith the Lord.1611Bible Ecclus. iv. 31 Let not thine hand bee stretched out to receiue, and shut when thou shouldest repay.1865Lowell Harvard Commem. Ode viii, 'Tis not the grapes of Canaan that repay, But the high faith that failed not by the way.
Hence reˈpaying ppl. a.; also reˈpayal, repayment; reˈpayer, one who repays.
1650T. Hubbert Pill Formality 240 God is..a repaier of the wicked.1881Mayne Reid Free Lances I. xiii. 139 There could be no mistaking what he meant. Anything but a repayal of friendly services.1883Century Mag. Oct. 814/1 It is..probably a more repaying industry than orange-growing.1888Stevenson Black Arrow 50, I am a good repayer, Jack, of good or evil.
III. repay, v.2|riːˈpeɪ|
[re- 5 a.]
To pay again, or a second time (Ogilvie Suppl. 1855).

