
单词 Ramadan
释义 Ramadan|ræməˈdɑːn|
Forms: α. 7 ramm-, rom-, rummadan, ramdam, 7–9 ramadhan, 8 -dam, ramandan, 8–9 rham-, 7– ramadan. β. 7 ram-jan, ramizam, 7–8 ramezan, 8 -esan, 9 r(h)amazan(i, ramadzan, ramzaun, 6– ramazan.
[a. Arab. ramaḑān (hence Turk. and Pers. ramazān), f. ramaḑa to be heated or hot (see note to def.).]
The ninth month of the Muslim year, rigidly observed as a thirty days' fast, during the hours of daylight, by all Muslims.
The lunar reckoning of the Muslim calendar brings the fast eleven days earlier each year, so that in a cycle of about thirty-three years it passes through all the seasons successively; but it is supposed originally to have been one of the hot months.
α1601W. Biddulph in T. Lavender Trav. Four Englishmen (1612) 95 The Turkes Romadan, which is their Lent, being ended.1695Motteux St. Olon's Morocco 43 On the Eve of that Ramadan, they prepare themselves for its observation by public Rejoycings.1757Hume Ess. & Treat., Nat. Hist. Relig. (1777) II. 463 The Rhamadan of the Turks..must be more severe than the practice of any moral duty.1865Whittier David Watson Pr. Wks. 1889 I. 316 At the season called Ramadan, he was left at leisure for a whole week.1927C. Connolly Let. Mar. in Romantic Friendship (1975) 279 It is Ramadan at present and nobody eats till the evening.1976Hanna (Alberta) Herald 16 June 10/5 During one month each year the Muslims observe Ramadan.
transf.1822De Quincey Confess. ii. 126 A Lent or Ramadan of abstinence from opium.
β1599Hakluyt Voy. II. 203 The Mahumetans observe a kinde of lent continuing one whole moone..called in their tongue Ramazan.1698J. Fryer Acc. E. India & P. 379 In their Ramzan, or on a Journey, they often expire for want of it [opium].1706Lond. Gaz. No. 4205/1 This being the Moon of Ramezan, during which it is the Custom of the Turks to fast by Day and feast by Night.1812Byron Ch. Har. ii. lx, Ramazani's fast Through the long day its penance did maintain.1815Elphinstone Acc. Caubul (1842) I. 279 The fast of the Ramzaun is..strictly observed; and..is felt as a real hardship.1935H. Edib Clown & his Daughter xli. 67 He has been back for some time, and is getting ready to open his shop for Ramazan.
attrib.1653Greaves Seraglio 112 The Ramazan time, which is their lent, and lasteth a whole moon.1884J. Payne Tales fr. Arabic I. 49 note, The orthodox Muslim, whose only meals in Ramazan-time are made between sun⁓set and dawn-peep.1971Sun (Colombo) 17 Sept. 3 November 8... Ramazan Festival Day.

