
音标: 英 ['blæstˌɔ:f] 美 ['blæstˌɔ:f]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 升空, 发射

n. the launching of a missile or spacecraft to a specified destination


1. When the rocket ripped from the tower during blastoff, a piece of debris must have fallen into the communication array.

火箭升空撞倒尖塔后 肯定有碎片掉到通信阵列中

2. A story on advancements in private sector rocketry has become a cautionary tale as an unscheduled blastoff may have launched a civilian into space.

关于私企火箭发展的报道 如今却成了警世通言 因为计划外发射 可能将一名平民带入天空
