
音标: 英 [ɡri:t] 美 [ɡrit]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 问候, 致敬, 欢迎, 映入眼帘

v. express greetings upon meeting someone
v. send greetings to
v. react to in a certain way
v. be perceived by


1. I just said it's a greeting and greetings are allowed.

我刚说了那是问候语 问候语也可以拼

2. To greet them as we greeted those we caught outside your walls today.

就像我们今早对待 你们派出墙外的人一样

3. When you greet him, make sure that you greet him with both hands, and because you're tall, make sure you're not towering over him.

打招呼时 切记要两用只手 因为你个头比较高 切记不要俯视他

4. You have to do your greetings differently.

You can't curtsey in a wedding dress.

5. I'm sorry we can't be here to greet you.


6. So you see that I'm greeting everybody, and that's what it's about.

所以你看到我向所有人问好 这是最重要的

7. My own brother greeting me with such disdain.


8. Okay, this is not how I like to be greeted.


9. So we'll greet them with superior numbers.


10. Hello, you're here for the meet and greet.

你好 你是来次参加见面会的
