
音标: 英 [dɪ'klaɪn] 美 [dɪˈklaɪn]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 衰退, 跌落, 下降
vt. 使降低, 婉谢
vi. 下降, 衰落, 偏斜

n. change toward something smaller or lower
n. a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state
v. grow smaller
v. go down


1. I'm so sorry, but this card was declined, too.

很抱歉 但这卡也被停用了

2. She declines to testify, you're off the hook.

她拒绝作证的话 你就摆脱困境了

3. So if you decline, I will be offended.

如果你拒绝 我会感到冒犯的

4. So, I'm at an impasse if you decline my proposal.

如果你拒绝我的求婚 我将陷入绝境

5. On top of that, sales are declining.

最重要的是 销售量也下降了

6. She declined, but she didn't officially report it.

她拒绝了 但没有正式汇报这件事

7. Not much, but the decline has been steady.

虽然跌幅不大 但趋势明显

8. It's the decline of civilization as we know it.


9. With respect, I have to decline his invitation.

出于慎重 我不得不拒绝他的邀请

10. That is a common trait of declining empires.

