
音标: 英 [əˈlɑ:mɪst] 美 [əˈlɑrmɪst]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 轻事重报者, 杞人忧天者

n. a person who alarms others needlessly


1. And not to be an alarmist, but maybe his life.

并且毫不夸张地说 可能会毁了他一生

2. The bioweapons alarmists, they have a compelling narrative to weave.

那些对生化武器大惊小怪的人 他们有确实可信的故事

3. You know, I don't want to be an alarmist, but I notice in my right thumb... not a pain.

我不想做个大惊小怪的人 但你看我右大拇指 不是疼

4. Looks like the alarmist view is carrying the day so far.


5. I mean, I feel like you both are being a tad bit alarmist right now.


6. Doc, I don't want to be alarmist, but this bus seems a bit emptier than last night.

博士 我不想一惊一乍的 但这辆车好像比昨晚空

7. I don't want to be an alarmist, but home invaders often come back the same night or the next night because many families are too rattled to stay in the home.

我不想危言耸听 但入室行窃者 很可能当夜或隔夜回来 因为很多家庭被吓得不敢留在家里
