
单词 tug
释义 tug v (-gg-) (a) [I, Ipr, Tn, Tn.pr] ~ (at sth) pull (sth) hard or violently 用力拉或拖(某物)     We tugged so hard that the rope broke. 我们一用力把绳子给拉断了.     tug at sb´s elbow/sleeve, eg to attract attention 拽某人的肘部[袖子](如为引起注意). (b) [Tn, Tn.p] pull (sth/sb) in a particular direction (沿某方向)拉或拖(某物[某人])     The wind nearly tugged my umbrella out of my hand. 大风险些把我手中的伞给刮跑了.     It is difficult tugging the children round the shops with me, ie because they resist. 让我拉著孩子逛商店可真不易(因为拉不住他们). tug, n 1 sudden hard pull (突然的)猛拉, 猛拽     I felt a tug at my sleeve. 我觉得有人拽了一下我的袖子.     Tom gave his sister´s hair a hard tug. 汤姆使劲地扯了一下他姐姐的头发.     (fig 比喻) She felt a sharp tug at her heart-strings (ie pang of sorrow) as he left. 他离去的时候, 她非常伤心. 2 (also `tugboat) small powerful boat for towing ships, esp into harbour or up rivers 拖船.

