
单词 滑雪者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BRAVE/NOT BRAVE〕The higher slopes are for the more adventurous skier. 较高的斜坡是供更爱冒险的滑雪者使用的。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕Competent skiers should find no difficulty with the course. 有水平的滑雪者对这条滑道不应该觉得困难。朗文写作活用〔GOOD AT〕The black runs are for proficient skiers only. 黑色滑道只供技术熟练的滑雪者使用。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕It was freezing outside but in the ski lodge they were as warm as toast. 外面冷得要命,但是滑雪者的小屋里却是暖烘烘的。朗文写作活用〔HOUSE〕They rent out their condominium to skiers during the winter. 到了冬天,他们就把自己的那套公寓房出租给滑雪者使用。朗文写作活用〔J-bar〕A J-shaped bar, suspended from a moving system of overhead cables, by which a skier is towed uphill.索道滑木:悬挂在高架索道移动装置上的一种丁形横杠,以之可将滑雪者带上山顶美国传统〔T-bar〕A ski lift consisting of a bar suspended like an inverted T against which skiers lean while being towed uphill.丁字型滑雪吊车:由悬挂的象倒挂的T字形的铁棒组成的滑雪吊车,滑雪者在被拖上山时可以靠在上面美国传统〔avalanche〕Two skiers were killed in the avalanche.有两名滑雪者在雪崩中丧生。朗文当代〔balaclava〕A woolen hood almost completely covering the head and neck, worn by mountain climbers and skiers in cold climates.帽兜:一种几乎完全围住头和脖子的羊毛围巾,供登山运动员和滑雪者在寒冷的天气围戴美国传统〔barker〕The skiers basked by the fire.滑雪者坐在火旁取暖。21世纪英汉〔blunder〕Another skier blundered into his path.另一个滑雪者误滑入他的滑道。韦氏高阶〔boarder〕A person who skies.滑雪者美国传统〔bobsled〕A long racing sled with a steering mechanism controlling the front runners.大雪橇:一种长的竞赛用雪橇,有一控制机构控制其前面的滑雪者美国传统〔buried alive〕Three skiers were buried alive in a massive avalanche on Tuesday.三名滑雪者被周二的大雪崩活埋了。韦氏高阶〔bury〕If an avalanche strikes, skiers can be buried alive by snow.如果发生雪崩,滑雪者可能会被雪活埋。剑桥高阶〔bury〕The skiers were buried under the snow.滑雪者被埋在了积雪的下面。朗文当代〔cable car〕The skiers took a cable car to the top of the mountain.滑雪者们搭乘了一辆缆车上山顶。韦氏高阶〔chair lift〕A mechanized, cable-suspended, aerial chair assembly used to transport skiers and others up or down a mountain slope.空中缆椅:一种用来运送滑雪者和其他游客上下山的机动吊索缆椅美国传统〔choose〕Four skiers will be selected to represent each country.每个国家将选出四名滑雪者作为代表。美国传统〔choosy〕Skiers should be particularly choosy about the insurance policy they buy.滑雪者在选择购买保险的问题上应该尤其慎重。柯林斯高阶〔choosy〕Skiers should be particularly choosy about the insurance policy they buy.滑雪者应该慎重选择购买的保险。外研社新世纪〔chute〕The skiers came racing down the chute.滑雪者纷纷从滑雪道滑下。韦氏高阶〔congregate〕Skiers congregated around the lodge's fireplace.滑雪者聚集在小屋的壁炉周围。韦氏高阶〔cream〕She was creamed by another skier as she was coming down the slope.她从山坡上往下滑时被另一位滑雪者撞倒了。韦氏高阶〔draglift〕A ski lift, such as a rope tow, a T-bar, or a J-bar, that pulls skiers up a slope.吊杆:一种滑行升降器,如滑索,象"T"字形或"J"字形,用于将滑雪者沿山坡拉上山美国传统〔effortless〕The skier made a series of effortless turns.滑雪者做了一套轻松自如的转弯动作。韦氏高阶〔exhausted〕The exhausted skiers are looking forward to a good night's sleep.筋疲力尽的滑雪者盼望着晚上能睡个好觉。麦克米伦高阶〔eye〕Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun.滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛免受阳光伤害。牛津搭配〔gaiter〕A similar covering of lightweight, moisture-resistant fabric, used by skiers in conditions of deep snow.防潮鞋罩:一种轻便、防潮的类似鞋罩的编织物,滑雪者在雪深时使用美国传统〔glide〕We watched the skiers glide down the slope.我们观看滑雪者沿着斜坡滑行而下。韦氏高阶〔groom〕Sports To prepare (a trail) for skiers, as by packing down new snow or leveling moguls.【体育运动】 准备(滑雪)赛道:为滑雪者准备(雪道),如铺设新雪或制造隆起点美国传统〔headgear〕Forthwith all skiers must wear protective head gear.所有滑雪者均需立即戴上保护头盔。外研社新世纪〔intermediate〕The ski school coaches beginners, intermediates, and advanced skiers.滑雪学校训练指导初学者及中级与高级滑雪者柯林斯高阶〔intermediate〕The ski school coaches beginners, intermediates, and advanced skiers.该滑雪学校对初学者和中高级滑雪者进行培训。外研社新世纪〔miniski〕A short ski used by beginners or skibobbers.短雪板,小雪板:初学滑雪者或乘雪撬者使用的短雪板或小雪板美国传统〔pack〕Other skiers had already packed the snow down.其他滑雪者已经将雪踩实了。韦氏高阶〔playground〕These mountains are a playground for hikers, skiers, and nature lovers.这些大山是远足者、滑雪者和热爱大自然的人的乐园。韦氏高阶〔rope tow〕A continuous rope conveyor used to pull skiers up a slope; a ski tow.索道:将滑雪者拉上斜坡的连续不断的绳索;上山缆索美国传统〔schussboomer〕A skier who schusses well.直线下滑滑雪者美国传统〔sitzmark〕A hollow made in the snow by a skier who has fallen backward.滑雪者向后摔倒后留在雪地上的凹坑美国传统〔ski jumping〕A competitive event in which a skier jumps from a ski jump and is judged on both form and the distance jumped.跳台滑雪:一种赛事,竞赛中滑雪者从跳台滑雪助滑道上跳下并根据其动作的形式和跳跃的距离来判断胜负美国传统〔ski jump〕A jump or leap made by a skier.跳台滑雪:滑雪者所做的跳或飞跃美国传统〔ski mask〕A knitted covering for the head and face, worn especially by skiers for protection from the cold.滑雪帽:遮盖头和脸的一种织物,尤指滑雪者所戴以免寒气侵入的美国传统〔ski pole〕A lightweight pole with a handgrip, sometimes a wrist strap, and a sharp point encircled slightly above by a disk, used in pairs by snow skiers.滑雪杖:一种带有把手,有时是一个拳头套,以及被一个圆盘轻微围绕尖点的重量很轻的杖,成对地被滑雪者们使用美国传统〔ski tow〕A ski lift in which skiers cling to a continuous rope as they are pulled up a slope.运送滑雪者的吊索:有送滑雪者上坡顶的连续缆索的滑雪运送设备美国传统〔skier〕Skiers love fresh snow.滑雪者喜欢刚下的雪。韦氏高阶〔skijoring〕A sport in which a skier is drawn over ice or snow by a horse or vehicle.马(或车辆)拉滑雪:一种滑雪者被马或车拉着滑过冰面或雪面的运动美国传统〔slope〕There were more skiers further up the slope.在山坡高一些的地方滑雪者更多。牛津搭配〔snow〕The glacier provides skiers with year-round snow cover.冰川让滑雪者一年四季都能享受积雪。牛津搭配〔some〕She is some skier.她是个很不错的滑雪者美国传统〔surface lift〕A ski lift, such as a T-bar, that conveys skiers up a slope without raising them off the ground.吊椅缆车:一种上山吊椅,如丁字形上山吊椅可将滑雪者送上一山坡,而不将他们吊离地面美国传统〔test〕The real/true test of your ability as a skier is whether you can ski well on very hard snow.真正检测一个滑雪者的本领,要看在非常硬的雪上能否滑得好。韦氏高阶〔tuck〕A position in skiing in which the skier squats while holding the poles parallel to the ground and under the arms.蜷缩:一种滑雪姿势,滑雪者下蹲,同时把滑杆置于臂下并使其与地面平行美国传统〔venture out〕Few skiers ventured out onto the slopes.很少有滑雪者敢冒险到斜坡上去。外研社新世纪〔vorlage〕A posture assumed in skiing in which the skier leans forward from the ankles, usually without lifting the heels.前倾:滑雪中的一种姿式,滑雪者从踝部向前倾,通常不提脚跟美国传统〔whoosh〕The skiers came by with a whoosh.滑雪者“嗖”的一声过去了。外研社新世纪〔whoosh〕The skiers whooshed along.滑雪者们呼啸而过。外研社新世纪〔yield〕When entering a trail or starting a descent, yield to other skiers.进入滑雪道或开始下滑时,要给其他滑雪者让路。柯林斯高阶After the heavy snow, there were lots of skiers (= people on skis) on the mountain.大雪过后,山上有许多滑雪者剑桥国际Anticyclones are common over the Pyrenees in winter, which is good for sun-lovers but bad for skiers.在比利牛斯山脉地区,冬季的反气旋是常见的,这对喜爱阳光的人来说是好事,而对滑雪者来说则是坏事。剑桥国际Cross-country skiers use poles to push themselves along over the snow.越野滑雪者用杆子推动他们在雪上前进。剑桥国际I think I enjoy the après-ski more than the actual skiing! 我觉得滑雪者晚会比滑雪本身更快活!剑桥国际If an avalanche strikes, skiers can be buried alive by snow.如果发生雪崩,滑雪者会被雪活埋。剑桥国际Skiers should avoid the area because of the high risk of avalanches.滑雪者应该避免进入该地区,因有雪崩危险。剑桥国际The crowd oohed when the skier lost his footing and tumbled down the slope.当这个滑雪者失足滚下斜坡时,人群中发出了“嗬嗬”的喊叫声。剑桥国际The mountains are a paradise for climbers and skiers-- though beware, wolves still roam there.这群山是爬山者和滑雪者的天堂----但是要小心,狼群仍在那里游荡。剑桥国际The resort is one of the most popular Swiss destinations for skiers who demand extensive and challenging ski terrain.该度假胜地是滑雪者最喜爱的瑞士滑雪地之一,渴望广阔而富有挑战性地形的滑雪者常去那里。剑桥国际Two skiers were injured by safety netting that was too close to the course.两名滑雪者被太靠近滑道的安全网伤害。剑桥国际

