
单词 一簇
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ATTACK〕They moved slowly, knowing that in the next clump of trees enemy soldiers might be lying in ambush. 他们行动很慢,因为他们知道下一簇树丛里可能埋伏着敌军的士兵。朗文写作活用〔Calabrese〕A type of broccoli, introduced from Italy and grown extensively in North America, bearing clusters of blue-green to dark green flower buds.花茎甘蓝:花椰菜的一种,从意大利引入并广泛种植于北美洲地区,长有一簇簇的蓝绿色到暗绿色的花朵美国传统〔GROUP〕From the airplane we could already see little clusters of houses. 从飞机上我们已经能看到一簇簇的房子。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕It's an attractive shrub with dark shiny leaves, that has clusters of white flowers in early June. 那是一丛美丽的灌木,叶子深绿得发亮,在6月初已经开满了一簇簇白色的花儿。朗文写作活用〔aigrette〕An ornament, such as a spray of gems, resembling a tuft of plumes.羽饰:一种类似于一簇羽毛的装饰,如羽毛状宝石头饰美国传统〔asterism〕Astronomy A cluster of stars smaller than a constellation.【天文学】 星群,星座:比星座小的一簇星星美国传统〔capitate〕Botany Forming a headlike mass or dense cluster, as the flowers of plants in the composite family.【植物学】 头状的,头状花序的:形成头状的一簇或稠密的一丛的,如菊科植物的花朵美国传统〔cigar-store Indian〕A wooden effigy of a Native American holding a cluster of cigars, formerly used as the emblem of a tobacconist.印第安人木雕像:土著美洲人的木制肖像,拿着一簇雪茄,以前作为烟草商的标志美国传统〔clump〕The roses were planted in clumps across the park.公园里到处种着一簇簇的玫瑰。朗文当代〔clump〕To gather into or form lumps or thick groupings of.形成一簇:使聚成或形成…的簇或密集美国传统〔coloured〕The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot orange.插图上是一簇杏橙色的玫瑰,一共5朵。柯林斯高阶〔coloured〕The illustration shows a cluster of five roses coloured apricot-orange.插图画的是一簇杏黄加橙黄色的五朵玫瑰。外研社新世纪〔coma〕Botany A usually terminal tuft or cluster, especially a tuft of hairs on a seed, as on a willow or milkseed.【植物学】 种毛:在某些树木如柳树或乳草种子上的一簇美国传统〔conglomerate〕Snowflakes are composed of conglomerated ice crystals.雪花是由一簇簇的冰晶组成的。外研社新世纪〔constellate〕To form or cause to form a group or cluster.使群集:形成或使…形成一群或一簇美国传统〔crouch〕She saw him coming and crouched (down) behind a bush.看见他来了,她便蜷伏在一簇灌木丛后面。剑桥高阶〔downy mildew〕A disease of plants caused by fungi of the order Peronosporales and characterized by gray, velvety patches of spores on the lower surfaces of leaves.霜霉病:霜霉科真菌引起的植物疾病,患此病的植物叶背面有一簇簇的灰色绒状胚芽美国传统〔feathering〕A fringe of hair on an animal's coat, especially on the leg of a dog.丛毛:动物皮上的一簇毛,尤指狗腿上的(毛)美国传统〔floccose〕Covered with tufts of soft hair, as the fruits of quince.有丛毛的,羊毛状的:覆盖着一簇簇软毛的,如榅桲的果实美国传统〔foliage〕A cluster of leaves.群叶:一簇树叶美国传统〔gel〕He had spiky, light brown hair, shaved at the sides and gelled on top.他浅褐色的头发一簇簇地直立着,剃去两鬓,头顶上打了发胶。剑桥高阶〔grapeshot〕A cluster of small iron balls formerly used as a cannon charge.葡萄弹,霰弹:以前用作火包装填物的一簇小铁丸美国传统〔heartstring〕One of the nerves or tendons formerly believed to brace and sustain the heart.过去被认为是包裹和支持心脏的一簇神经或肌腱美国传统〔infructescence〕The fruiting stage of an inflorescence.果序:一簇花的结果顺序美国传统〔lock〕A small wisp or tuft, as of wool or cotton.一束或一簇,如羊毛或棉花美国传统〔mauve〕It bears clusters of mauve flowers in early summer.初夏时节,它开出了一簇簇淡紫色的花。柯林斯高阶〔nest〕He nested the cottages in clusters, at different levels on the mountainside.他在一层层的山坡上盖建了一簇簇的小别墅群。英汉大词典〔panache〕A bunch of feathers or a plume, especially on a helmet.羽饰:用作头饰或头盔装饰品的一簇羽毛美国传统〔plume〕A large feather or cluster of feathers worn as an ornament or symbol of rank, as on a helmet.羽饰:作为装饰或等级标志佩戴的一支大羽毛或一簇羽毛,如头盔上的羽饰美国传统〔poke〕Clumps of grass poked up through the snow.一簇簇的草破雪而出。牛津高阶〔pompon〕A tuft or ball of wool, feathers, or other material used as a decoration, especially on shoes, caps, and curtains.绒球,丝球:一簇或一团毛、羽毛或其它材料,尤用于鞋、帽和窗帘等的装饰物美国传统〔shrubbery〕A group or planting of shrubs.灌木丛:一簇或一块灌木美国传统〔spike〕Her hair stood out in spikes.她的头发一簇簇竖立着。外研社新世纪〔spike〕Her hair stood out in spikes.她的头发一簇簇竖立着。柯林斯高阶〔stool〕A shoot or growth from such a stump or rootstock.新枝:从根株长出的一簇新枝美国传统〔tuffet〕A clump or tuft of grass.一丛或一簇美国传统〔tuft〕A short cluster of elongated strands, as of yarn, hair, or grass, attached at the base or growing close together.一簇,一丛:连在底坐上或长在一起的小簇细长物质,如毛线,头发或草美国传统〔tuft〕The bird has a tuft of feathers on top of its head.这鸟头顶有一簇羽毛。英汉大词典〔tuft〕To grow in a tuft.长成一簇美国传统〔tussock〕A clump or tuft, as of growing grass.生草丛:一丛,一簇,如一丛草美国传统〔white pine〕Any of several other pines having needles in clusters of five.类五针杉树:任一种其它的带有五针攒成一簇松针的松树美国传统Blood-red flowers hung down in heavy, drooping clusters.血红的花一簇簇萎垂无力地弯下了腰。剑桥国际He lay hidden by a mat of creepers. 他躲在一簇攀缘植物后面。译典通The antelope had a tuft of hair on its head.羚羊头上有一簇毛。剑桥国际We saw a rabbit on a tuft of grass. 我们看见在一簇草中有一只兔子。译典通White buildings clustered on the hillside. 山腰上有一簇白色建筑。译典通

