
单词 成交
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕If they accept our price we can wrap up the deal right away. 如果他们接受我们的价格,我们可以马上成交朗文写作活用〔CHEAP〕She bargained with the woman who was selling the plates and managed to get them for half the usual price. 她与那卖盘子的女人讨价还价,最后以比原来便宜一半的价格成交朗文写作活用〔actual〕They signed the agreement in the spring, but the actual sale wasn't made until that summer.他们春天就签了协议,但直到夏天才真正完成交易。韦氏高阶〔be laughing all the way to the bank〕We'll be laughing all the way to the bank if this deal works out.如果这笔生意能成交,我们一下子就能赚很多钱。剑桥高阶〔bind〕A handshake binds the deal.双方握手成交韦氏高阶〔bring〕Sam was sure he could bring them round to the deal.萨姆确信他能说服他们做成交易。麦克米伦高阶〔cautiously〕Jim is cautiously optimistic that a deal may now be struck.吉姆对现在可能有一笔生意成交持谨慎乐观的态度。麦克米伦高阶〔chain〕Some sellers refuse to exchange contracts with buyers who are in a chain.有些卖家拒绝和售屋链里的买家成交剑桥高阶〔clinch〕This has fuelled speculation that he is about to clinch a deal with an American engine manufacturer.这进一步激起了人们对他即将和一家美国发动机制造商达成交易的猜测。外研社新世纪〔close〕He had to lower the price to close the sale.他最后不得不降价成交麦克米伦高阶〔close〕He needs another $30,000 to close the deal.他另外还需要3万美元来达成交易。外研社新世纪〔close〕The deal was closed.这桩买卖成交了。英汉大词典〔closing〕A meeting for completing a transaction, especially one at which contracts are signed transferring ownership of real estate.转移会议:要完成交易的会议,特别是在其中有签订合约来转移房地产的所有权美国传统〔clout〕Mr Sutherland may have the clout needed to push the two trading giants into a deal.萨瑟兰先生可能具有促使两个贸易巨头达成交易的能力。外研社新世纪〔co-operation〕A deal with Japan could indeed open the door to economic co-operation with East Asia.与日本达成交易确实可能打开与东亚各国进行经济合作的大门。外研社新世纪〔counterchange〕They counterchanged the floor in the bedroom with several colours.他们把卧室的地板铺成交错的颜色。21世纪英汉〔cut〕A French company has reportedly cut a deal to produce software for government agencies.据报道一家法国公司成交了一笔生意,为政府机构生产软件。朗文当代〔cut〕At first he wanted £15 for the vase but I cut him down to £10. 这花瓶他起初要价15英镑,但经我还价以10英镑成交英汉大词典〔deal〕He even sweetened the deal with a $5 000 signing bonus.为达成交易,他甚至拿出 5,000 美元的签约奖励。牛津搭配〔deal〕It's [That's] a deal.那就成交了;一言为定。文馨英汉〔deal〕OK, it's a deal.好,成交朗文当代〔dichogamous〕Having pistils and stamens that mature at different times, thus promoting cross-pollination rather than self-pollination.雄雌蕊异时成熟的:雄雌蕊不同时期成熟从而促成交叉授粉而不是自花授粉的美国传统〔difference〕Shall we split the difference and say $7,500?我们各让一步, 7,500美元成交如何?外研社新世纪〔difference〕The man wanted £500 for the car and I would only give him £450; we split the difference.那人对汽车索价500镑,我只愿出450镑,于是我们就折中成交(即475镑)。英汉大词典〔dotted〕Just sign on the dotted line and we'll have a deal.只需在虚线处签名,我们就成交了。韦氏高阶〔e-commerce〕Commerce that is transacted electronically, as over the Internet.电子商务:电子化完成交易的商业活动,例如透过计算机网络所完成的商务美国传统〔fair-market value〕The price, as of a commodity or service, at which both buyers and sellers agree to do business.公平市价:买者和卖者在商品价格或服务费上达成交美国传统〔fanfare〕The deal was announced with much fanfare.这桩生意在一片热议中被宣布成交朗文当代〔free hand〕The company's given me a free hand to negotiate a deal.公司给了我谈判达成交易的自主权。剑桥高阶〔go through〕If this deal doesn't go through, we're ruined.如果这笔买卖不能成交,我们将破产。21世纪英汉〔goose〕Their deal-making prowess delighted Wall Street, goosing stock prices.他们高超的成交本领使华尔街欢呼雀跃, 股票价格应声上扬。外研社新世纪〔go〕He accepted the offer and the deal went through.他接受了这个报价,生意成交了。朗文当代〔go〕The sale of the land went through.土地买卖成交了。朗文当代〔handfast〕A handclasp used to signify a pledge, such as a contract or marriage.(成交或成婚时的)握手:用来表示诸如合约或婚姻的誓言的一种握手美国传统〔handshake〕They sealed the agreement with a handshake.他们握手成交牛津搭配〔hang back〕They will then hang back on closing the deal.他们接着会拖延生意的成交柯林斯高阶〔in〕I don't know what they agreed to because I wasn't in on the deal.我不知道他们最后成交的价码,因为我没参与那次交易。麦克米伦高阶〔losable〕They lost the bargain.他们没能成交21世纪英汉〔monolith〕A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith.若是这两个强大机构之间达成交易,就会产生一个金融业的巨无霸。柯林斯高阶〔monolith〕A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a monolith.若是这两个强大机构之间达成交易, 就会产生一个金融业的巨无霸。外研社新世纪〔negotiation〕We have had meaningful negotiations and I believe we are very close to a deal.我们已进行了有益的磋商,我相信我们很快能成交柯林斯高阶〔off-the-shelf〕Deliveries can be made off-the-shelf.可以现成交货。英汉大词典〔parking〕The influx of tourists could cause traffic congestion and parking problems.游客的大量涌入会造成交通拥堵和停车困难。牛津搭配〔patch〕They managed to patch up a deal.他们勉强达成交易。牛津高阶〔post〕We thought the owner would agree to sell us the house but we were pipped at the post by a more generous offer from someone else.我们以为房主会同意把房子卖给我们,可是眼看要成交时,有人出更大的价钱把房子买去了。英汉大词典〔precipitously〕They've got to act precipitously to make the deals.他们为完成交易不得不草率行事。柯林斯高阶〔premature〕It's a little premature to talk about concluding a deal.谈论成交还有点儿为时过早。麦克米伦高阶〔price〕If they wanted a deal at any price, they would have to face the consequences.如果他们无论如何都想达成交易, 他们就得承担其后果。外研社新世纪〔price〕If they wanted a deal at any price, they would have to face the consequences.如果他们无论如何都想达成交易,他们就得承担其后果。柯林斯高阶〔rally〕A notable rise in stock market prices and trading volume after a decline.反弹:股市价格和成交额在下跌后显著的上升美国传统〔reconcile〕Foreign mediators have failed to reconcile the warring factions.国外调停人没能促成交战派系间的和解。麦克米伦高阶〔ridge〕The low land should be ridged before they are used.低地在使用前应先整成交替的垄和沟。21世纪英汉〔roadwork〕The roadwork caused a backup in traffic.道路施工造成交通拥堵。韦氏高阶〔sale〕The painting sold for more than double its estimated sale price.这幅画的成交价是预计售价的两倍多。麦克米伦高阶〔scene〕But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.但是, 凯恩先生将会背地里偷偷行动以争取达成交易。外研社新世纪〔scene〕But behind the scenes Mr Cain will be working quietly to try to get a deal done.但是,凯恩先生将背地里偷偷行动以争取达成交易。柯林斯高阶〔seal〕They sealed the bargain with a handshake.他们以握手成交英汉大词典〔selling climax〕A sharp decline in stock prices on a heavy volume of trading followed by a rally.抛售高峰:因大量的成交额引起的股票价格短期内的急剧下跌,随后价格恢复稳定美国传统〔sew〕The deal should be sewn up in a week.这笔买卖一个星期后应该能够成交朗文当代〔shake〕If we have a deal, let's shake on it (=show that we have made an agreement by shaking hands) .如果我们成交的话,我们就握手为定吧。朗文当代〔shake〕It seems that we have a deal, so let's shake (hands) on it.看来我们成交了,来握个手吧。剑桥高阶〔shake〕We shook on the bargain.我们握手成交英汉大词典〔slice〕We agreed before we did the deal that we'd both take an equal slice of the profit.成交前,我们商定双方各拿利润的一半。剑桥高阶〔steady〕Slow but steady progress has been made towards concluding the deal.在达成交易方面取得了缓慢但持续的进展。麦克米伦高阶〔talk down〕We talked them down and struck a deal.我们说服他们降了价,成交了。柯林斯高阶〔tie-up〕The heavy snowstorm caused a tie-up of traffic.大风雪造成交通停顿。英汉大词典〔tie〕We are hoping to tie up the deal by tomorrow.我们希望能在明天前达成交易。牛津高阶〔trade〕The volume of stocks traded today was very high.今天证券交易所股票成交量非常大。剑桥高阶〔transact〕Most deals are transacted over the phone.大多数生意都是在电话里成交的。朗文当代〔treble〕More than 7 million shares changed hands, treble the normal daily average.有 700 多万股换手,是通常日平均成交量的 3 倍。柯林斯高阶〔turnover〕The amount of business transacted during a given period of time.营业额,成交量:在给定的时期间成交的总额美国传统〔waffle〕He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal.他一直举棋不定, 找种种借口不成交外研社新世纪〔waffle〕He kept waffling and finding excuses not to close the deal.他一直举棋不定,找出种种理由不予成交柯林斯高阶〔worth〕It's always worth seeing if you can get a cheap last-minute deal.看看能不能在最后时刻以便宜的价格成交总是值得的。牛津搭配Having agreed a price through the computer, the customer's own machine can then automatically produce an invoice to consummate the deal.通过电脑谈好价格之后,顾客的机器会自动开发票以完成交易。剑桥国际If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.如果你现在违背成交协议,我将在法院起诉你。剑桥国际It seems that we have a deal, so let's shake (hands) on it.看来我们成交了,让我们为此握手吧。剑桥国际It was a struggle but we closed the deal (=made a successful business arrangement with them).这是一场战斗,但我们总算成交了。剑桥国际Market turnover was 2.6 billion shares.市场成交量为 26 亿股。牛津商务On London's Stock Exchange, 18.5 million shares were traded yesterday.伦敦证券交易所昨天成交了1850万股。剑桥国际Shares worth $8 million changed hands during a day of hectic trading.在活跃的交易日,股票成交量达 800 万元。牛津商务She used her contacts at the company to facilitate a deal.为了促成交易,她动用了公司里的熟人。牛津商务The company is only days away from closing the deal.公司离达成交易的限期只有几天。牛津商务The corporation failed to meet its self-declared target of completing the deal by the end of this week.公司没有达到公开宣称的要在本星期末完成交易的目标。剑桥国际The engineering group announced it had made a pre-tax loss and turnover had fallen.工程集团宣布它遭受了税前损失, 成交额已经下降了。剑桥国际The investor buys through a broker who completes the transaction through a market-maker.投资者通过经纪人购买,而经纪人则通过庄家完成交易。牛津商务The keys will be handed over on completion.完成交易时交钥匙。牛津商务The offer to buy the company expired without a deal being finalized.购买公司的出价未达成交易会自动失效。牛津商务The program reads the purchase price and the amount tendered and calculates the change.这个程序可以读出成交价以及支付的金额,并计算找零。牛津商务The trade was carried out on a fill or kill basis.这笔交易按不成交即取消的指令进行。牛津商务They sealed the bargain with a handshake. 他们握手成交译典通This product has a fast turnover, three shipments going out per day. 这产品的成交量很高,每天可出三批货。译典通

