
单词 慷慨的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GENEROUS/NOT GENEROUS〕The Cranstons are among the museum's most generous donors. 克兰斯顿夫妇是博物馆最慷慨的捐赠者之一。朗文写作活用〔KIND〕Everyone loved Mary. She was the kindest, most generous person in the world. 人人都喜欢玛丽。她是世界上最善良、最慷慨的人。朗文写作活用〔benefactor〕She was a generous benefactor to the library.她对图书馆给予慷慨的捐助。牛津搭配〔big-hearted〕Generous; kind.慷慨的;仁慈的美国传统〔boon〕Archaic Favorable.【古语】 慷慨的美国传统〔bounteous〕Giving or inclined to give generously.慷慨的:给予或乐于慷慨给予的美国传统〔bountiful〕Giving freely and generously; liberal.慷慨的:随意而慷慨给予的;慷慨的美国传统〔bountiful〕The bountiful host was bringing brandy, whisky, and liqueurs.慷慨的主人拿来了白兰地、威士忌和几种利口酒。外研社新世纪〔bung〕He passed round a hat asking for a generous bung for the overworked bartender.他传帽子, 为辛勤的酒吧招待筹集一笔慷慨的小费。外研社新世纪〔charitable〕Generous in giving money or other help to the needy.施舍慷慨的,慈善的:在给穷人钱或其他帮助时慷慨大方的美国传统〔churlish〕It would be churlish to refuse such a generous offer.拒绝这样一个慷慨的提议未免失礼。牛津高阶〔donation〕He made a generous donation to the charity.他向慈善机构作出慷慨的捐助。牛津搭配〔donation〕There have been generous donations from EU funds.欧盟给予了慷慨的捐款。朗文当代〔essentially〕He's essentially a generous man.他基本上是个慷慨的人。文馨英汉〔fairy godmother〕A generous benefactor.慷慨的施恩者美国传统〔freehearted〕Generous; liberal.慷慨的;大方的美国传统〔generous〕Merton is clearly a warm and generous human being.默顿显然是个热心慷慨的人。麦克米伦高阶〔gift〕Thank you for your generous gift.谢谢你慷慨的礼物。外研社新世纪〔goodhearted〕Kind and generous.好心的,慷慨的美国传统〔gracious〕He is the generous Lord, the gracious, the Hearer, the Near-at-Hand, the Compassionate, the Merciful.他是慷慨的主, 仁慈宽厚, 耐心聆听, 近在咫尺, 心存怜悯, 慈悲为怀。外研社新世纪〔grateful〕I am more than grateful for their generous response.我特别感激他们慷慨的回应。牛津搭配〔hospitable〕Disposed to treat guests with warmth and generosity.好客的:愿以热情慷慨的方式待客的美国传统〔hospitality〕Cordial and generous reception of or disposition toward guests.好客:对客人的热诚慷慨的接待或安排美国传统〔human being〕She's a very warm and generous human being.她是个既热心又慷慨的人。韦氏高阶〔largess〕Liberality in bestowing gifts, especially in a lofty or condescending manner.慷慨的赠与:赠送礼物方面的慷慨大度,尤其是指以一种傲慢的或恩赐般态度的美国传统〔liberality〕An instance of being liberal.慷慨的行为或事例美国传统〔manna from heaven〕Your generous gift was manna from heaven.你慷慨的赠予好比天降甘露。韦氏高阶〔munificent〕Very liberal in giving; generous.慷慨的:在付出时非常大方的;慷慨的美国传统〔praise〕The speech earned him lavish praise from the press.他的讲话为自己赢得了媒体慷慨的赞扬。牛津搭配〔promise〕He makes all kinds of big promises he has little intention of keeping.他作出了各种慷慨的承诺,却没有打算信守。牛津搭配〔soul〕She was a kind and generous soul.她是个善良慷慨的人。外研社新世纪〔thanks〕Please accept my heartfelt thanks for your concern and generosity.请接受我对你的关怀和慷慨的由衷谢意。麦克米伦高阶〔uncharitable〕Exhibiting no charity or generosity. 无情的,严厉的:没有仁慈之心的,不慷慨的美国传统〔unstinting〕They gave us unstinting support [help].他们给与我们慷慨的支持[帮助]。文馨英汉〔well〕I can't very well (= it would not be acceptable to) refuse their generous offer.我没有理由拒绝他们慷慨的提议。剑桥高阶〔witness〕Americans are a generous people: witness the increase in charitable giving, even during the recession.美国人是个慷慨的民族:即使是在经济萧条时期慈善捐赠也在增加, 这便是明证。外研社新世纪〔witness〕Americans are a generous people: witness the increase in charitable giving, even during the recession.美国人是个慷慨的民族:即使是在经济萧条时期,慈善捐赠也在不断增加,这便是明证。柯林斯高阶After making donations for earthquake relief, famine relief and war relief, even the most generous donors are beginning to suffer compassion fatigue.在先后为救济震灾、饥荒和战争捐助之后,甚至最慷慨的捐助者也变得麻木不仁了。剑桥国际He is a man of incomparable kindness and generosity.他是个举世无双的和善、慷慨的人。剑桥国际His mother is one (= a very) generous woman.他的母亲确实是个非常慷慨的人。剑桥国际She gives liberally to local charities.她对当地的慈善活动给予非常慷慨的支持。剑桥国际She was a warmhearted, generous old lady. 她是一位热心肠的,慷慨的老太太。译典通She's a very generous sort really.她真是个慷慨的人。剑桥国际The film has been very popular among children, with its evil villain, big-hearted hero and exciting plot.这部电影有邪恶的恶棍,慷慨的英雄和动人的情节,很受孩子们的欢迎。剑桥国际The generous donations were a measure of the high esteem in which they were held.慷慨的捐款是衡量他们所受到的高度尊重的一个尺度。剑桥国际

