
单词 功能
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DVD〕A high-density compact disk for storing large amounts of data, especially high-resolution audio-visual material.多功能激光视盘:可储存大量数据的高密度光盘,尤使用于高质量影音作品上美国传统〔For your convenience〕For your convenience, we have added a feature that allows you to pay your bills over the Internet.为方便起见,我们增加了网上付款的特色功能韦氏高阶〔INCREASE〕The bank's function is to maximize profits, and that requires some risk-taking. 银行的功能是使利润最大化,那是要冒一定风险的。朗文写作活用〔NEED/NECESSARY〕Ford announced that it has increased production to meet demand for its new range of sports utility vehicle. 福特公司宣布,他们已提高产量,以满足消费者对新的运动型多功能汽车系列的需求。朗文写作活用〔RIGHT〕The ability of this software to gather information about individuals through the Web is worrying to civil liberties groups. 这软件具有从网上收集个人资料的功能,这使公民自由权利组织感到担忧。朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Cokin has released two accessory lenses that make camera phones even more versatile.高坚公司推出了两款附加镜头, 可以使拍照手机的功能更多。外研社新世纪〔analogous〕The paddle of a whale and the fin of a fish are analogous.鲸的鳍状肢和鱼鳍功能相同。外研社新世纪〔and〕Together with or along with; in addition to; as well as. Used to connect words, phrases, or clauses that have the same grammatical function in a construction.和;与;及;同;又;也:和或同;又;也。用来连接具有相同语法功能的单词,短语或从句美国传统〔appliance〕A dental or surgical device designed to perform a therapeutic or corrective function.医疗器械:设计用来进行治病或具有矫正功能的牙科或外科医疗器械美国传统〔band〕Biology A chromatically, structurally, or functionally differentiated strip or stripe in or on an organism.【生物学】 群;组:生物体内或生物体上在染色质、结构或功能上不同的群美国传统〔bluetooth〕Bluetooth-enabled devices 具有蓝牙功能的设备牛津高阶〔boggle〕The complexities of the functions of the human body boggle the imagination.人体功能的复杂令人难以想象。英汉大词典〔brat〕The film is refreshingly free of mobile phones, precocious brats, and SUVs.没有了手机、早熟的毛孩子和多功能越野车, 这部电影令人耳目一新。外研社新世纪〔buttock〕The analogous part of the body on certain mammals.屁股:某种哺乳动物身体上功能相似的部分美国传统〔cercus〕Either of a pair of terminal, dorsolateral sensory appendages of certain insects, such as the female mosquito.尾须:某些昆虫尾部外侧一对有感觉功能的附尾之一,如雌蚊的尾须美国传统〔conception〕The other fundamental consideration in the conception of a plan is function.在构思设计图时要考虑的另一个基本因素是功能柯林斯高阶〔coprocessor〕A microprocessor that performs specialized functions that the central processing unit cannot perform or cannot perform as well and as quickly.处理器:微处理机,执行中央处理机不能执行或不能同样执行又好又快地执行的专门功能美国传统〔creep〕The inclusion of health data on identity cards was condemned as function creep.在身分证中包含健康资料被谴责为超出功能范围。牛津高阶〔deep〕Some midfielders play deep, having a more defensive role, while others go forward.一些中场队员在己方后场运球,兼具防守功能,另一些的位置则更靠前场。剑桥高阶〔deficit〕A deficiency or impairment in mental or physical functioning.缺陷:身心功能方面的不健全美国传统〔demonstration〕We were given a brief demonstration of the computer's functions.我们看了这种计算机各种功能的简短演示。牛津高阶〔depression〕The major side effects come from depression of normal bone-marrow function.主要的副作用来自正常骨髓功能的衰退。外研社新世纪〔design〕The shoes are designed to keep your feet warm and dry.这种鞋的主要功能是保持脚部温暖干燥。韦氏高阶〔digestive〕Functioning to digest food.消化食物的功能美国传统〔digoxin〕Digoxin may be prescribed in some cases to strengthen heart muscle contraction.在某些情况下,地高辛可以用来加强心脏肌肉收缩功能剑桥高阶〔division〕An area of government or corporate activity organized as an administrative or functional unit.部门:政府或公司的一个部分,属一行政或功能单位美国传统〔dualism〕Psychology The view that the mind and body function separately, without interchange.【心理学】 二元论:认为思维与肉体分别行使自己的功能,互相不转化的观点美国传统〔duty〕The work performed by a machine under specified conditions.功能负荷:由机器在特定条件下完成的工作量美国传统〔elegance〕The furniture managed to combine practicality with elegance.那些家具兼具实用功能和典雅外观。外研社新世纪〔endometriosis〕A condition, usually resulting in pain and dysmenorrhea, that is characterized by the abnormal occurrence of functional endometrial tissue outside the uterus.子宫内膜异位:指功能性子宫内膜组织出现反常的位于子宫外的情况,通常导致疼痛和痛经美国传统〔executive〕The branch of government charged with putting into effect a country's laws and the administering of its functions.行政部门:政府中负责使国家的法律生效并执行其功能的部门美国传统〔failure〕He died of heart/liver failure.他死于心脏/肝功能衰竭。剑桥高阶〔feature〕This camera has several features that make it easy to use.这台相机有几项功能,使它便于操作。韦氏高阶〔functionality〕The quality of being functional.功能性:起作用、运转的特性美国传统〔functional〕The two departments have slight functional differences.这两个部门功能稍有不同。朗文当代〔function〕Bauhaus architects thought that function was more important than form.包豪斯学派的建筑师认为功能重于形式。朗文当代〔function〕Fortunately, his head injuries left his bodily functions unimpaired.幸运的是他头部的伤没有影响到身体功能牛津搭配〔function〕The instrument is chiefly used to measure and record heart function.这个仪器主要用于测量和记录心脏功能韦氏高阶〔get〕You could probably get by with that computer, but a more powerful one would be better.你用这台电脑也许能够应付,但功能更强大的会更好。麦克米伦高阶〔grammaticalize〕To change (a content word) into a function word or a grammatical affix.语法化:(将内容中的文字)转变为功能性文字或是语法上的文字附加物美国传统〔hearing〕The sense by which sound is perceived; the capacity to hear.听力:感受声音的功能;听的能力美国传统〔heterologous〕Immunologically related but not identical. Used of certain cells and antiserums.异性的:免疫功能有关但不相同的,用于某些细胞和抗血清美国传统〔high-end〕This is a high-end camera with lots of extra features.这是一款具有多项特殊功能的高端相机。韦氏高阶〔hold button〕A button on a telephone that permits the user to answer another incoming call while temporarily interrupting the previous one.暂停键:电话上的一个功能键,在不打断先前电话情况下允许再接另外一个打进来的电话美国传统〔hyperthyroid〕Of, relating to, or affected with hyperthyroidism.甲状腺功能亢进的:甲状腺功能亢进的,与之有关的,或受之影响的美国传统〔hypothyroid〕Affected by or manifesting hypothyroidism.甲状腺功能减退的:表现为甲状腺功能低下的,或受其影响的美国传统〔idealize〕The pure office of poetry is ever to idealize.诗的纯正功能向来就是理想化地描写事物。英汉大词典〔imbalance〕An imbalance in certain chemicals leads to disturbances in the brain's function.某些化学成分失衡会导致大脑功能紊乱。牛津搭配〔input〕It may be beyond the capability of the hardware to process the input.处理这些输入内容可能超出了该硬件的功能范围。牛津搭配〔insufficiency〕Pancreatic insufficiency is associated with excess fat in stool.胰功能不全和粪便中脂肪过多有关联。剑桥高阶〔inverse〕There is often an inverse relationship between the power of the tool and how easy it is to use.工具的功能越强大,操作起来往往越费事。牛津高阶〔jaundiced〕He developed the swollen belly and jaundiced skin of terminal liver failure.他在肝功能衰竭晚期出现了腹部肿胀和皮肤黄疸。外研社新世纪〔job〕The blood's job is to carry oxygen to the different parts of the body.血液的功能是将氧气输送到身体的各个部位。韦氏高阶〔laxative〕Molasses are mildly laxative and something of a general tonic.糖蜜有些许通便作用,兼具强身功能柯林斯高阶〔libido〕A flagging libido and a drop in sexual performance are all part of the ageing process.性欲减退,性功能下降,这些都是衰老过程的一部分。柯林斯高阶〔logic circuit〕A computer switching circuit that performs problem-solving functions.逻辑电路:一种计算机转换电路,具有解决问题的功能美国传统〔marker〕Linguistics An element that indicates grammatical class or function; a derivational or inflectional morpheme.【语言学】 标记:表示语法种类或功能的成分;衍生的或曲折演化来的语素美国传统〔micronucleus〕The smaller of two nuclei in ciliate protozoans that contains genetic material and functions in reproduction.小核,微核:原生动物纤毛虫类体内两个细胞核中较小的一个,其中含有基因材料和繁殖功能美国传统〔ministry〕The duties, functions, or term of a governmental minister.一名政府部长的职责、功能或任期美国传统〔module〕Computer Science A portion of a program that carries out a specific function and may be used alone or combined with other modules of the same program.【计算机科学】 程序块,模块:执行特殊功能的程序部分,该部分可以单独使用也可与同一程序的其它部件结合使用美国传统〔morphosyntax〕The set of rules that govern linguistic units whose properties are definable by both morphological and syntactic criteria.词素句法学:对其功能既可以通过形态标准又可以通过句法标准进行定义的语言单位进行支配的一套规则美国传统〔morphosyntax〕The study of grammatical categories or linguistic units that have both morphological and syntactic properties.词素句法:对既有形态功能又有句法功能的语法种类或语言单位的研究美国传统〔motor〕Both motor and sensory functions are affected.运动功能和感觉功能都受到影响。牛津高阶〔objective〕They had objective evidence of some form of cardiac dysfunction.他们有客观证据, 证明存在某种形式的心功能障碍。外研社新世纪〔ophthalmology〕The branch of medicine that deals with the anatomy, functions, pathology, and treatment of the eye.眼科学:关于眼的结构、功能和疾病治疗的医学学科美国传统〔organology〕The branch of biology that deals with the structure and function of organs.器官学:关于器官结构与功能的生物学分支美国传统〔overactive〕This condition is caused by overactivity of the thyroid gland.这种病是由于甲状腺功能亢进引起的。韦氏高阶〔paranormal〕This book is about people who claim to have paranormal abilities such as ESP and mind reading.这本书有关那些自称有超感知觉、会读心术等特异功能的人。剑桥高阶〔photosynthetic〕The photosynthetic function is accomplished by green stems.促进光合作用的功能是由绿茎完成的。英汉大词典〔physiology〕All the functions of a living organism or any of its parts.生理,生理机能:对有生命的生物或任一组成部分的所有功能美国传统〔psi〕Parapsychological phenomena or abilities considered as a group.超觉;特异功能:心理玄学现象或能力的总称美国传统〔psychology〕Philosophy The branch of metaphysics that studies the soul, the mind, and the relationship of life and mind to the functions of the body.【哲学】 心灵学:形而上学的一支,研究灵魂心灵生命和心灵与身体功能之间的关系美国传统〔psychoneuroimmunology〕The study of the interaction of behavioral, neural, and endocrine factors and the functioning of the immune system.精神神经免疫学:有关行为因素、神经因素和内分泌因素的交互影响以及免疫系统功能的研究美国传统〔reconvene〕The Russian parliament reconvened after a three-week break.我建议你买一台功能更强大的计算机。麦克米伦高阶〔redundancy〕Electronics Duplication or repetition of elements in electronic equipment to provide alternative functional channels in case of failure.【电子学】 超静定性:电子设备中为提供在出故障时可替换的功能线路而对原件的复制或重复美国传统〔scratch pad〕An electronic scratch pad allows the user to jot down notes for later reference.电子暂存器可提供随手记录供以后查阅的功能外研社新世纪〔search〕You can search using Ctrl-F or the F3 function key.你可以使用Ctrl+F或F3功能键来搜索。外研社新世纪〔service〕I typed my password into my instant messaging service.我输入密码进入即时信息服务功能牛津搭配〔sexuality〕Sexual character or potency.性功能:性特点或性功能美国传统〔smart drink〕Any of various nonalcoholic, usually fruit-based drinks typically containing vitamins and amino acids in a formula reputed to enhance mental functioning.智能饮料:任何不含酒精的一种,通常以水果为主要原料,此类配方一般包含维生素及胺基酸,普遍认为可以增加心智功能美国传统〔stimulate〕The women were given fertility drugs to stimulate the ovaries.那些妇女得到了促进卵巢功能的生育药。牛津高阶〔tomorrow〕The computers of tomorrow will be smaller and more powerful.未来的计算机体积更小,功能更强大。朗文当代〔tonicity〕Normal firmness or functional readiness in body tissues or organs.强壮:身体组织或器官上的正常强壮程度和正常的功能性反应美国传统〔unit〕An entire apparatus or the equipment that performs a specific function.装置,设备:实行特定功能的整个仪器或设备美国传统〔use〕He lost the use of his legs(= became unable to walk)in an accident.他在一次事故中失去了双腿的功能牛津高阶〔use〕Since his stroke he hasn't had the use of his left hand.自从中风后,他的左手就失去功能了。牛津搭配〔valve disease〕Heart valve disease may be due to heart abnormalities at birth, infection, or degeneration with age.心脏瓣膜病可能是因为出生时即有的异常、感染或是因衰老导致的功能减退造成。剑桥高阶〔verbal〕Relating to, having the nature or function of, or derived from a verb.动词的:关于或具有动词的性质或功能的,源于动词的美国传统〔vitamer〕One of two or more related chemical substances that fulfill the same specific vitamin function.类维生素:两种或两种以上的相关化学物质之一,起同样特定维生素功能美国传统〔work〕Are they any closer to understanding how the brain works? 他们对大脑功能的了解有进展吗?牛津高阶Any project can be broken down into different functional roles.任何项目都可以细分为不同的功能作用。牛津商务He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.他在人脑与功能复杂的电脑之间作出类比。剑桥国际Her grandmother's psychic -- she sometimes has dreams about the future which come true.她的祖母有特异功能----她有时候关于未来的梦会变成真的。剑桥国际Long-haul flights disrupt your system.远距离飞行扰乱人的身体功能剑桥国际Some mobile phones are equipped with selfie functions. 有些手机有自拍的功能译典通Studies suggest that regular intake of the vitamin significantly improves brain function.有研究表明维生素的正常摄入可大大地改善大脑的功能剑桥国际The device combines a computer and mobile phone.这种设备同时具备计算机和手机的功能牛津商务The function of the supermarket is to provide the housewife with all the necessities. 超级市场的功能是为家庭主妇提供一切生活必需用品。译典通The teacher did not explain its grammatical function. 老师没有解释它的文法功能译典通This software doesn't offer multi-tasking capability, but it does have easy-to-use graphics.这套软件没有多任务处理功能,却有方便的图文界面。剑桥国际

