
单词 几面
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔beat〕He beat a complicated rhythm on the drums.他在几面鼓上敲打出一种复杂的节奏。英汉大词典〔design〕The building has intricate geometric designs on several of the walls.这栋建筑物的好几面墙上都有花纹精致的几何图案。牛津搭配〔impression〕He cleverly inserted mirrors above the window to create an impression of space.他巧妙地在窗子上面镶嵌了几面镜子,以营造一种空间感。柯林斯高阶〔insert〕The book contained an insert of several pages of pictures.那书有好几面图片插页。英汉大词典〔internal〕They've knocked down a couple of internal walls.他们已拆掉了几面内墙。朗文当代〔kiosk〕A small structure, often open on one or more sides, used as a newsstand or booth.户外报刊亭或杂货摊:经常一面或几面开敞的小建筑物。用作报摊或货摊美国传统〔open sth out/up〕We're going to open up our kitchen by taking out a couple of walls.我们打算拆除几面墙,把厨房打通。剑桥高阶〔periodically〕The walls would be lined with books and periodicals.这几面墙会摆放书籍和期刊。柯林斯高阶〔sight〕I knew him by sight but had never spoken with him.我和他有过几面之缘,但从未说过话。柯林斯高阶A few mirrors can transform a dark room, making it look larger and lighter instantly.几面镜子能使一个暗的房间得到改观,立刻使它看上去大一些,亮一些。剑桥国际We're going to open up our kitchen (= make it larger or less enclosed) by knocking down a couple of walls.我们打算拆除几面墙,把厨房扩大一些。剑桥国际

