
单词 洪亮的声音
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bell〕To utter long, deep, resonant sounds; bellow.吼叫:发出长时间的、深沉的、洪亮的声音;吼叫美国传统〔bong〕A deep ringing sound, as of a bell.嘡嘡声:洪亮的声音,象铃发出的一样美国传统〔bong〕To cause to sound with a deep ringing noise.洪亮地发声:使发出洪亮的声音美国传统〔boom out〕A megaphone boomed out, 'This is the police.'扩音器中传出深沉洪亮的声音:“我们是警察。”外研社新世纪〔boom〕His voice boomed down the hall.他深沉洪亮的声音响彻大厅。外研社新世纪〔brazen〕Having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound.破锣嗓子:发出大声,通常是较粗糙洪亮的声音美国传统〔echo round〕The sonorous voice of the speaker echoed round the hall.演说者洪亮的声音在大厅内回荡。21世纪英汉〔gong〕A rimmed metal disk that produces a loud, sonorous tone when struck with a padded mallet.锣:带边的金属盘状物,当用裹着布的木槌敲击时能发生洪亮的声音美国传统〔peal out〕His voice pealed out from the next room.隔壁传来了他的洪亮的声音21世纪英汉〔pierce〕Then he spoke, in a voice that pierced the thick air.随后他开始讲话, 洪亮的声音划破了窒闷的空气。外研社新世纪〔pierce〕Then he spoke, in a voice that pierced the thick air.随后他开始讲话,洪亮的声音划破了窒闷的空气。柯林斯高阶〔ring〕A loud sound, especially one that is repeated or continued.洪亮的声音:很大的声音,尤其是不断重复或连续的声音美国传统〔stentorian〕He bellowed in a stentorian voice.他用洪亮的声音大声喊叫。柯林斯高阶〔stentorian〕Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room.突然,从房间那头传来一个洪亮的声音剑桥高阶〔vibrant〕The vibrant tones of Richard Burton are instantly recognizable.理查德·伯顿洪亮的声音一听就能辨识出来。外研社新世纪Suddenly a stentorian voice boomed across the room.突然,一个洪亮的声音响彻房间。剑桥国际

