
单词 洁白
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CLEAN〕He was wearing a spotlessly clean white shirt. 他穿着一件洁白的衬衫。朗文写作活用〔Sunday best〕They looked as if they were dressed in their Sunday best, the girls in clean white dresses, the boys in dark trousers and plain white shirts.他们看起来像是盛装打扮了一番,女孩子们身着洁白的裙子,男孩子们一身白衣黑裤。柯林斯高阶〔TASTE IN CLOTHES, MUSIC ETC〕My uncle wore a flannel suit, a spotless white shirt and a tasteful but sombre tie. 我舅舅穿了一套法兰绒西装,一件洁白无瑕的衬衫,戴了一条有品味但色调暗淡的领带。朗文写作活用〔WEATHER〕There was a single line of footprints in the virgin snow. 洁白的雪地上有一行脚印。朗文写作活用〔against〕He laughed, his teeth bright against his dark skin.他笑了,黝黑的皮肤反衬出洁白的牙齿。英汉大词典〔alabaster〕She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck.她洁白光滑的脖子上戴着一条精巧的链子。外研社新世纪〔arch〕The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.寺院洁白雄伟的拱门十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市上方。剑桥高阶〔blemish〕Her skin was smooth and white and without a single blemish.她皮肤光滑, 洁白无瑕。外研社新世纪〔composition〕His moral composition is impeccable.他的道德品质是洁白无瑕的。英汉大词典〔conspicuous〕The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.寺院洁白雄伟的拱门十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市上方。剑桥高阶〔contrast〕The snow was icy and white, contrasting with the brilliant blue sky.这雪冰冷洁白,与晴朗的蓝天形成对照。朗文当代〔dazzle〕Her teeth were dazzlingly white.她的牙齿洁白耀眼。韦氏高阶〔dazzlingly〕Want dazzlingly white teeth?想要闪亮洁白的牙齿吗?外研社新世纪〔even〕He had lovely white, even teeth.他有一副洁白整齐的牙齿。朗文当代〔flaw〕A tiny spot flawed the otherwise pure white surface.一个小小的污点让本来洁白的表面有了缺陷。外研社新世纪〔gleam〕Her teeth gleamed white against the tanned skin of her face.她的牙齿在褐色脸膛映衬下显得洁白明亮。牛津高阶〔impeccable〕He was dressed in a suit and an impeccable white shirt.他身穿一套礼服和一件洁白的衬衣。牛津高阶〔marmoreal〕Resembling marble, as in smoothness, whiteness, or hardness.似大理石的:在光滑、洁白或坚硬等方面似大理石的美国传统〔openness〕The officer's mouth opened, showing white, even teeth.那个军官咧开嘴,露出洁白整齐的牙齿。柯林斯高阶〔outfit〕He was dressed in an immaculate white outfit.他穿着一身洁白的衣服。外研社新世纪〔pearly〕Her teeth were pearly white.她的牙齿如珍珠般洁白韦氏高阶〔polish〕He took out a spotless white handkerchief and polished his glasses.他掏出一方洁白的手帕擦拭眼镜。外研社新世纪〔relieve〕A black sash relieves a white gown.白色的长袍配上黑色的腰带益显洁白英汉大词典〔reveal〕He laughed, revealing a line of white teeth.他笑了起来,露出一排洁白的牙齿。牛津高阶〔scrub〕All of the marble stones were scrubbed white.所有的大理石都擦得洁白英汉大词典〔slush〕In the city the clean white snow had turned to grey slush.在城市里,洁白的雪已化为灰色的雪泥。牛津高阶〔snow〕Her hair was jet-black, her lips ruby-red and her skin as white as snow.她头发乌黑,嘴唇红润如宝石,肌肤洁白如雪。剑桥高阶〔stain〕There is not the slightest stain upon her reputation.她的名声洁白无瑕。英汉大词典〔straight〕His teeth were white and perfectly straight.他的牙齿洁白,且十分整齐。牛津搭配〔tooth〕Her smile revealed a row of white, even teeth.她笑了笑,露出一排洁白整齐的牙齿。朗文当代〔virginal〕She was dressed in virginal white.她穿了一身洁白无瑕的衣服。牛津高阶〔whiteness〕He had nice square white teeth.他的牙齿洁白而整齐,十分好看。柯林斯高阶〔whiteness〕Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.她鲜红的口红更衬出了牙齿的洁白外研社新世纪〔whiteness〕Her scarlet lipstick emphasized the whiteness of her teeth.她鲜红色的口红更衬出了她牙齿的洁白柯林斯高阶〔white〕Being of the color white; devoid of hue, as new snow.白色的;洁白无色的,如新雪美国传统〔white〕He had nice white teeth.他长着好看洁白的牙齿。外研社新世纪〔white〕She smiled, showing all her strong white teeth.她笑了,露出一口洁白的好牙齿。英汉大词典〔why〕He had very white teeth; he said apples were why.他有一口洁白的牙齿,他说这是因为他多吃苹果的缘故。英汉大词典A black sash relieves a white gown. 白色的长袍上配上黑色的腰带更显洁白译典通He had on immaculate white shoes. 他穿著一双洁白的鞋子。译典通He has shining, regular teeth and handsome, regular features.他有洁白齐整的牙齿和英俊匀称的脸。剑桥国际Her teeth were white and even. 她的牙齿洁白而整齐。译典通In an instant the magician had conjured (up) a perfect white dove from his hat.魔术师眨眼间便从帽子里变出一只洁白的鸽子。剑桥国际She was dressed in virgin-white.她穿得一身洁白剑桥国际She wore a spotless white apron. 她围著一条洁白的围裙。译典通The blood had congealed in thick black clots around his sharp white teeth.鲜血在他洁白锋利的牙齿边上凝成了厚黑的血块。剑桥国际The bride was attired in white. 新娘穿一身洁白的礼服。译典通The room with its white walls was bare, austere and beautiful.这个房间四壁洁白,空无一物,朴实而美观。剑桥国际The temple's grand white arches rose conspicuously over the dirty decaying city.这座寺院洁白雄伟的拱形圆顶十分显眼地矗立在肮脏破败的城市中。剑桥国际There were no footmarks on the virgin snow. 洁白的雪上没有脚印。译典通

