
单词 法西斯分子
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISTURB〕Hecklers repeatedly disrupted Duke's news conference, calling him a liar and a fascist. 海克勒斯一再打断杜克的新闻发布会,并称他为说谎者和法西斯分子朗文写作活用〔Fascist〕The League of Nations collapsed soon after the Italian Fascists occupied Ethiopia.意大利法西斯分子占领埃塞俄比亚之后不久, 国际联盟就土崩瓦解。外研社新世纪〔Nazi〕Often nazi An adherent or advocate of policies characteristic of Nazism; a fascist. 常作 nazi 法西斯分子:与纳粹类似的政党的教徒或提倡者;法西斯主义者美国传统〔artful〕The fascists used artful slogans to cloak themselves as saviours of the world.法西斯分子用欺骗性口号把自己打扮成救世主。英汉大词典〔closet〕He is a closet Fascist.他是个地下的法西斯分子外研社新世纪〔closet〕He is a closet Fascist.他是个秘密的法西斯分子柯林斯高阶〔closet〕I suspect he's a closet fascist.我怀疑他是秘密的法西斯分子牛津高阶〔epithet〕He hardly deserves the epithet 'fascist'.用“法西斯分子”这个词来形容他并不恰当。朗文当代〔fascist〕Fascist Of or relating to the regime of the Fascisti. Fascist 法西斯分子的:属于或与法西斯党体制有关的美国传统〔fascist〕The fascists came to power in 1933.法西斯分子于 1933 年上台。朗文当代〔fight〕My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain.我的祖父曾经在西班牙与法西斯分子作战。牛津高阶〔inspire〕Fascist-inspired riots 法西斯分子鼓动的暴乱英汉大词典〔over-the-top〕It's a bit over-the-top to call him a fascist.把他叫作法西斯分子有点夸张了。朗文当代About 100,000 men, women and children were gassed by these Fascists. 大约十万男人,女人以及小孩被这些法西斯分子用毒气杀害。译典通The German fascists massacred almost all the Jews in town. 德国法西斯分子几乎杀光了城里的犹太人。译典通The exact location of his grave is being kept secret to prevent it becoming a shrine for neo-fascists.他墓地的确切地点一直是个秘密,以防成为新法西斯分子的瞻仰地。剑桥国际

