
单词 人文
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔African-American〕African-American culture 美国黑人文韦氏高阶〔Afro-Caribbean〕Of or relating to Afro-Caribbeans or their history or culture.加勒比黑人的,加勒比黑人历史的,加勒比黑人文化的:加勒比黑人的、加勒比黑人历史的、加勒比黑人文化的,或与其有关的美国传统〔Afro-Cuban〕Of or relating to Afro-Cubans or their history or culture.古巴黑人的,古巴黑人历史的,古巴黑人文化的:古巴黑人的、古巴黑人历史的、古巴黑人文化的,或与其有关的美国传统〔Afro〕Afro-American literature 美国黑人文剑桥高阶〔Afro〕Afro-Caribbean culture 加勒比黑人文剑桥高阶〔American Indianist〕A specialist in Native American cultures, languages, or affairs.印第安专家:研究美国印第安人文化、语言或事务的专家美国传统〔BOOKS〕I was given access to his private papers and journals. 我获准翻阅他的私人文件和日记。朗文写作活用〔CATCH〕He caught Wendy in the act of looking through his personal papers. 他当场抓住温迪偷看他的私人文件。朗文写作活用〔COPY〕Donahue's reputation was damaged when he was accused of plagiarism. 多纳休被指责剽窃他人文章,名声受到损害。朗文写作活用〔DH.〕Doctor of Humanities.人文学博士美国传统〔I'll thank you to do sth〕I'll thank you to leave my private papers alone.请你不要动我的私人文件。剑桥高阶〔MONEY〕Research grants are plentiful in science and engineering subjects, but much harder to get in the humanities. 科学与工程学科得到的研究拨款非常充足,但人文学科要拿到拨款却困难得多。朗文写作活用〔PART〕She works in the Humanities department 她在人文学系上班。朗文写作活用〔PDA〕A typical PDA can function as a mobile phone, fax sender, and personal organizer.典型的掌上电脑具有移动电话、传真发送机和个人文件夹的功能。柯林斯高阶〔PRIVATE〕He keeps his private papers locked away in the top drawer of his desk. 他把私人文件锁存在书桌的最上层抽屉里。朗文写作活用〔art〕A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.人文学科:学问的一种非科学分支;文科的一个(学科)美国传统〔brimful〕Moscow is brimful of cultural attractions.莫斯科到处都是人文景观。外研社新世纪〔business〕You had no business going through my private papers.你无权查看我的私人文件。麦克米伦高阶〔catechism〕We should be ready to face up to a challenging catechism of belief about the arts.我们要做好准备应对关于人文信条的挑战性提问。外研社新世纪〔college〕An institution of higher learning that grants the bachelor's degree in liberal arts or science or both.学院:能授予人文或自然科学学士学位的高等院校美国传统〔comment〕The number of adults who cannot read is a sad comment on the quality of our schools.成人文盲的数量是我们学校教育质量可悲的写照。朗文当代〔culturally〕Culturally, the city has a lot to offer.从人文角度看,这个城市可提供的东西很多。朗文当代〔cultural〕Literature, art, and music are cultural studies.文学、艺术和音乐属人文学科。英汉大词典〔cultured〕He is a cultured man with a wide circle of friends.他为人文雅,结交广泛。柯林斯高阶〔deaf〕Deaf Of or relating to the Deaf or their culture. Deaf 聋人的,聋人文化的:聋人的或聋人的文化的,或与其相关的美国传统〔hide〕I keep my private papers hidden.我藏起了我的私人文件。牛津高阶〔humanism〕A system of thought that centers on human beings and their values, capacities, and worth.人文主义:一种思想体系,中心点是人类、人类的价值和能力美国传统〔humanism〕He was one of the best-known humanists of his time.他是其所处时代最著名的人文主义者之一。韦氏高阶〔humanism〕The study of the humanities; learning in the liberal arts.对人文学科的研究;对自由主义艺术的学习美国传统〔humanist〕A believer in the principles of humanism.人文主义者:人文主义理论的信仰者美国传统〔humanist〕Humanist A Renaissance scholar devoted to Humanism. Humanist 信奉人文主义的文艺复兴学者美国传统〔humanity〕He's taking courses in both the sciences and the humanities.他正在兼修自然科学和人文学科的课程。韦氏高阶〔humanity〕I've always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.我一直对人文学科比对自然科学更感兴趣。剑桥高阶〔humanity〕Those branches of knowledge, such as philosophy, literature, and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture; the liberal arts.人文科学:研究人类思想和文明的学科,如哲学、文学、艺术;自由主义艺术美国传统〔inter〕The dream of assimilation of black people to white culture was interred in the mid-sixties.使黑人融入白人文化的那种梦想在60年代中期幻灭了。英汉大词典〔muddle〕His business files were muddled up with his personal files.他业务上的文件和私人文件混在了一起。麦克米伦高阶〔negritude〕An aesthetic and ideological concept affirming the independent nature, quality, and validity of Black culture.黑人的特征:一个美学和意识形态概念,确认黑人文化的独立性、特性和有效性美国传统〔private〕I caught him looking through my private papers.我撞见他在翻阅我的私人文件。剑桥高阶〔private〕Those are my father's private papers.那些都是我父亲的私人文件。牛津高阶〔refer〕The term ‘Arts’ usually refers to humanities and social sciences.*arts 一词通常指人文和社会科学。牛津高阶〔release〕His relatives agreed to the release of his private papers.他的亲属同意公开他的私人文件。外研社新世纪〔restructure〕The college is restructuring its Humanities Department.学院正在对人文系进行调整。韦氏高阶〔secular humanism〕An outlook or a philosophy that advocates human rather than religious values.现世人文主义:一种提倡人的价值而非神的价值的世界观或哲学美国传统〔showcase〕She wants to showcase African-American literature.她想展现美国黑人文学的魅力。朗文当代〔sideswipe〕She was taking sideswipes at celebrity culture.她借机将名人文化抨击了一番。外研社新世纪〔subsume〕Art courses have been subsumed under the Humanities Department.艺术课程已被纳入人文系的课程内。麦克米伦高阶〔vacancy〕There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering, but the vacancies in humanities have been filled.理工科课程还有听课名额,而人文学科课程已经招满了。剑桥高阶He wanted science students to take an interest in the arts, and to this end (=to help achieve this) he ran literature classes at his home on Sunday afternoons.他想让理科学生对人文产生兴趣,为着这个目标,他周日下午在自己家里开文学课。剑桥国际Human ecology is a branch of social science. 人文生态学是社会科学的一个分支。译典通I caught him looking through my private papers.我撞见他在翻阅我的私人文件。剑桥国际I like her--she's got soul.我喜欢她----她具有黑人文化情感。剑桥国际It was one of those irritating articles that tells you how to combine a successful career with raising a family.这又是一篇向你介绍如何将成功的事业和美满的家庭相结合的烦人文章。剑桥国际She confided her personal documents to her lawyer. 她把她的私人文件托付给她的律师保管。译典通She has a background in humanities and modern languages. 她学过人文学科和现代语言。译典通Sir Thomas More was a leading humanist (= a person who believes in humanism) of his time.托马斯·摩尔是他的时代的主要人文主义者。剑桥国际Susan has always been more interested in the humanities than the sciences.苏珊对人文科学一直比对自然科学感兴趣。剑桥国际The Academy is the major dispenser of public funds for research in the humanities.人文学研究的公共基金主要由该研究院发放。剑桥国际The government is to cut funding for the arts.政府将削减对人文学科的拨款。剑桥国际The share documents were found among her private papers. 在她的私人文件中找到了共享文件。牛津商务There are still some vacancies for students in science and engineering courses, but those in the arts and humanities have been filled.理工科的学生还有一些空缺,不过人文学科的学生已经满额了。剑桥国际

