
单词 产生分歧
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DISAGREE〕The issue dividing the Church was the question of women priests. 使教会产生分歧的是有关妇女做神职人员的问题。朗文写作活用〔along〕The committee split along party lines over the issue.由于各自坚持自己政党的路线,委员会在这个问题上产生分歧美国传统〔company〕Where I part company with him, however, is over the link he forges between science and liberalism.然而,我与他产生分歧的地方是,他把科学与自由主义联系了起来。柯林斯高阶〔disagreement〕There is plenty of room for disagreement in this controversial area.在这个有争议的领域里,有许多容易产生分歧的地方。牛津搭配〔dissolve〕Their partnership dissolved in 1975 after a disagreement over a bank loan.由于在银行贷款问题上产生分歧, 他们的合伙关系于1975年结束。外研社新世纪〔diverge from〕This is where our opinions diverge from each other.我们的意见就是从此产生分歧的。21世纪英汉〔divide〕The party is likely to divide along ideological lines.该党有可能在意识形态上产生分歧柯林斯高阶〔divisiveness〕A referendum would be divisive.公投将产生分歧柯林斯高阶〔fall foul of sb〕Things were going well for her till she fell foul of the director.与主管产生分歧之前,她的工作进展得很顺利。剑桥高阶〔last〕It wasn't the first time that this particular difference had divided them and it wouldn't be the last.他们因此事产生分歧不是第一次,也不会是最后一次。柯林斯高阶〔wedge〕They tried to use the issue as a wedge to divide Democratic lawmakers from Hispanic voters.他们试图利用这一事件使民主党议员和西班牙裔选民产生分歧外研社新世纪

